Monday, April 30, 2012

Foreign Invasion

I was talking to my dad the other day and he said something that real got me thinking. I don't know how the topic came up, but at one point during the conversation we were having, my dad said, "Well, American TV is being invaded by the British actors more and more everyday." I turned and stared at my dad after he said this remark not because he had offended me, but because what he said was totally true. In the past few years, British actors have begun to gain more prominence in the American entertainment industry. This can be attributed to nothing more than the industry changing and idea of having foreign actors appealing so greatly to the American audience, even if they just come from the other side of the pond.

Now you can definitely count me as one of the biggest fans of British actors. In fact some of my favorite actors are from the UK and Australia. In my opinion their supremacy comes from a combination of hot accents, hot appearance, and just plain superior acting ability. Take for example Patrick Stewart. Some of us know him as Professor Xavier. Others know him as Captain Jean-Luc Picard. No matter who you know him as, you know that he is a phenomenal actor. He takes on each character fully devoting himself to the image he is portraying. Patrick Stewart is also someone who I think of as a classic actor. He is one of the actors people try to measure up to today, which is a hard feat to do. Patrick Stewart is also a person of British origins. Born in Yorkshire, England, Stewart was one of the first British actors to make the big move into American cinema.

Yet another example, and one of my favorites, would be Damian Lewis. Lewis played Major Richard D. Winters in Band of Brothers. He was did an amazing portrayal of an American soldier, in one of the most symbolic times of American history, while staying true to his nation of origin. Lewis was born in London and retained his heart melting accent throughout the taping of Band of Brothers. I did not even know he was British until I heard an interview he was giving on the red carpet.

There are also young and upcoming actors that fall into this category as well. One of my favorites would have to be Alex Pettyfer. He was the star of Beastly and I am Number Four. Pettyfer was also able to hide his accent extremely well in the movies he stared in. The second I heard his Irish accent come out in the interviews was the second my heart turned to mush for him. However, Pettyfer's performance in both movies he has stared in must also be commended. Like Stewart, Pettyfer commits wholeheartedly to the roles he is given. He makes you believe that he is the character from the books the movies are based on, the characters that you first fell in love with after reading about them. This takes on a deeper level of talent because for an actor to make you believe he is the character from a books means that he must understand and portray the obstacles the character faces with such realism that you believe it.

The last British actor that I will give props to is Hugh Laurie, better known as House. Now this Oxford native has the amazing talent of switching accents with the flip of a coin. It is awesome how he can talk in a totally British accent and then immediately switch to an American accent when someone says so. In his TV drama, Laurie's character, Dr. House, diagnoses and treats people with the oddest ailments you can imagine. He doesn't always save his patients, but he always figures out what's wrong. What I love about House is that the viewers get to follow how House deals with different personal issues that correlate to the health issues of his patients. Its an eerie parallel. The other thing I love about Dr. House is his sarcastic nature. No matter how bad the situation gets, House will still have a joke up his sleeve.

Now I could go on for years talking about amazing British actors, but I think everyone can get the picture. The Brits are here, and we might as well welcome them with open arms. I know all they would have to say to me is, "Hello" in that sweet British accent. I am also a fan of a few Aussie actors including Chris Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth (brothers :)), Cate Blanchett, Eric Bana, Heath Ledger, Geoffrey Rush, and Hugh Jackman. Its just a fact that we all need to accept. The Aussies and Brits have become the center of American cinema. Yay!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

New Memorial Student Center at Texas A&M

Texas A&M University has been in existence since 1876 in College Station, Texas. This university has been home to many different things including a history of tradition, a cute dog mascot, and numerous former students who have gone on to better their lives and our country. One characteristic of Texas A&M that I think cannot be overlooked is the custom of strong student body unity. A&M tackles different obstacles as a university. From winning a national championship in different sports to rebuilding the student moral after a tragic event like the bonfire collapse, Texas A&M comes out on the other side with a stronger sense of unity. This can be seen visually in such things as the buildings on the Texas A&M campus. Recently the main building on the campus, the Memorial Student Center, was put under construction tearing away a spot for the students and visitors to congregate. However, on Saturday April 21, 2012 the MSC was reopened after three years of construction. I was able to make the trip down to see the unveiling of this iconic building on campus.

The Memorial Student Center (MSC) was first opened on April 21, 1951 to an excited student body who was intrigued by this new building that would eventually become the center for student activity. After fifty-eight years, the building was in need of a major renovation. One big problem that needed to be resolved was the presence of asbestos in the Flag Room, the main room for student lounging, studying, and resting. This needed to be addressed for the safety of the student's health. However, this room was one of the most symbolic rooms of the MSC and the university. For this reason much of the student body and former students were concerned about the character of the room being drastically changed during the construction. The health concern took precedence, so the construction company promised the university that after the asbestos was eradicated, no major changes would be made to the Flag Room.

The controversy that this room made brought to light how resistant the students and formers would be to any major changes to the building. Because of this, informational sessions were created so that any people with concerns or questions could ask the builders and raise attention to the school administrators. I went to a couple of these with one of my friends and felt more confident in the process afterwards. I was not by any means happy that the MSC would be taken away from me during my last two years of college, but I was at least more aware about what changes were being made and why.

The main purpose of construction plans, besides removing the asbestos in the Flag Room, was to replace the existing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in the MSC and to provide universal accessibility for all by complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This included incorporating brand new furniture and seating areas as well as brand new, easily accessible elevator systems. The construction and remodeling also sought to create a more welcoming space for students to congregate, reinstate the MSC as a campus gathering place, and reflect the MSC as a portal to the university by promoting the school's tradition and history. This meant that not only would the couches and food services be updated, but a state of the art entertainment gallery would be included in the bottom floor with new televisions and pool tables. Additionally, the Choral Office was expanded to double its size so that the choirs of the university would be able to grow and function easier than before. Another improvement that was made was that the ballroom upstairs was expanded and is now the largest ballroom in the Brazos County. This will serves as a excellent place to have the future ring dances and any other large gatherings.

In the end, the renovation of the MSC brought about excellent features to this school of tradition. The only critique I can think of is that all of the new students who will gather in this new addition to the university will never know or appreciate what they were given. The new students will never know about the bowling alley that used to be in the basement of the MSC. They will never know about the old vintage wall coverings that gave character to the building. The new students will never know about what the MSC used to be and I think that it will lessen some of the appreciation. I wish some one had made a before and after collection of pictures so the students could compare what they have with what used to be. This would have created a greater amount of thankfulness for the new building they were given. Maybe there will still be gratitude from the student body after more time is spent in this new arena of unity.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Is One Direction Going the Right Direction?

In the music scene there are trends that different time periods are categorized by. The 1950s brought the birth of rock and roll with Elvis Presley and countless other rock musicians. In the 1970s disco music was the big rage. Music made by groups like the Bee Gees became some of the hottest tracks during this decade. In the 1990s boy bands were the cool hip thing. There was Backstreet Boys and Nsync dominating the charts every week. Groups like Hanson were followed by mobs of young girls who dreamed about one day becoming Mrs. Hanson. Well this phenomena has once again happened with a group of young British boys called One Direction. This group was found on X Factor by Simon Cowell and has swept America with their catchy tunes and cute faces. However, the real question is how long will this group last in the mean reality of the music business?

In 2010 the journey of this group began. Each of the five members of One Direction applied as solo candidates to the seventh series of X Factor. However, as solo candidates, the boys failed to make it into the competition. One of the guest judges saw something though and suggested that Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan form a group and enter into the groups category. These five boys did just that, became One Direction, and placed third in the competition. After this, One Direction signed to Cowell's record company and released their first single "What Makes You Beautiful" to fans yielding record sales in Britain, Australia, Sweden, and countless other foreign countries.

After this successful formation process, One Direction has taken on America with full steam ahead. Scheduling tours right and left to sold out crowds. It makes one think of the fan crazed aura that follows celebrity singers like Justin Bieber. It also brings to mind how a fan craze like this can so easily go away. Groups like OK Go, Danity Kane, Los Lonely Boys, and Daniel Powter saw their 15 minutes of fame flash before their eyes, and then were not able to release another hit. This is also true of the many TV music show winners from American Idol (minus Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood).

So how will One Direction's fame pan out? Will their shows continue to sell out in minutes? The other day, while I was sitting in a coffee shop, I got to hear this girl call five or six different ticket providers begging for One Direction tickets (Interesting/Depressing, I know). Or after this first CD of theirs, will the One Direction craze fizzle out? I know that the One Direction fame is far from fizzling out right now. Not long ago, somewhere in Dallas, there was rumor that One Direction was making an appearance in a mall. Thousands of girls showed up just to get a glance at these boys. The mania  started to get so rowdy that some of the girls had to be taken to the hospital for injuries. The most ironic thing was that One Direction wasn't even at the mall. Just a rumor of their appearance yielded all of this commotion. So I guess it will sadly come down to how well the band is marketed, not how well the band performs. If girls keep seeing these British boys as future boyfriends/husbands, the One Direction fan fare will not stop anytime soon.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Musical Experiences

One of the major fads in the movie industry, lately, has been musicals. Today, there are musicals produced like Hairspray, Enchanted, The Muppets, and The Sound of Music. These are just some of the classics that have made a major impact on society, and that's not even counting all the Disney movies. Well one of the musicals that was made in the early 1990s that did not receive much praise during its release, but has gone on to affect and impact many of the current musicals made today is Newsies. This musical was not welcomed with open arms when it first made its appearance, but the story, songs, and AMAZING choreography have made it a musical that I hold very close to my heart.

The musical Newsies follows the main characters Jack Kelly and David Jacobs who fight to have the price of papers reduced to the original cost after Pulitzer increases newspaper price to make a few extra bucks. Now the cast assembled, which includes Christian Bale and David Moscow as the main characters, displays some of the most extraordinary singing and dancing talent that I have seen exhibited in a movie. I mean who knew that Batman had a voice that could make me melt? The acting talent, which is epitomized by Robert Duvall who plays Pulitzer, also entrances the audience and pulls them into the plot of the movie. Soon the audience will find themselves rooting for Jack Kelly to take down "the man" and promote the underprivileged boys who are just trying to make it by.

Additionally, since this movie is based on the New York City Newsboy strike of 1899, the historical aspect of the movie draws viewers in deeper. Adding music and dance is an excellent way to teach a history lesson. Eventually, if you become a fan like me and many of my friends, who will find yourself memorizing not only the words to the songs but also the dance moves that go along with the songs. It becomes an interactive movie.

The main reason I think I can say that Newsies was a prelude to the contemporary musicals is because the director, Kenny Ortega, has since then directed and choreographed musicals like High School Musical, Hocus Pocus, and The Cheetah Girls. These movies have swept the nation in a similar way as Newsies did. So many teens became die hard fans of High School Musical that they had to make two sequels. The odd thing about Newsies is that it tanked it in the box office, but after it was released on video and DVD sold extremely well. I guess it was just made a generation too early because I know that I LOVE Newsies as a musical and a movie. Hearing songs like "Seize the Day" or "King of New York" can turn a frown on my face into a wide smile. And who knows, maybe these songs can turn a bad day in your life into a good one as well. You will just have to watch the musical.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

An Odom-less Mavs is a Better Mavs

I have long been a huge fan of the Dallas Mavericks. I remember my first Mavs game in the mid 90s when they still played in Reunion Arena. It seemed like magic as a young child. But now that I have grown and matured, I have higher expectations for my Dream Team the Mavericks. Lately I have been disappointed with the performance received from Lamar Odom. Dallas had recruited him under the presumption that he would bring his "mad skills" from L.A. and turn Dallas into an unbeatable team. Well now that he has shown what little commitment he has for the team we have let him go, which I perceive as only a good thing.

Before Lamar Odom moved to Dallas, he played for the L.A. Lakers for seven years. While playing for the Lakers, he won two NBA finals and was awarded the NBA Sixth Man of the Year for his performance as the most valuable player from the bench for his team. For these reasons many people expected his performance for the Mavs to be top notch.

However, during his time in Dallas, Odom averaged 6.6 points per game and played very little because of his disappointing performance. In his last four games, Odom only averaged 2.2 points per game. This is from a basketball player paid $8.9 million, which just seems outrageous. How can a forward, who played so phenomenally in L.A., do so little in Texas? Well from what I have heard, Odom had major clashes with management in Dallas and thus was not a cooperative player. From what I have also viewed on Khloe and Lamar, Odom was never that thrilled about the trade to Dallas. From the very beginning, it did not seem as though he wanted to play here.

What I have to say to that is, Lamar needs to suck it up. There are tons of people who cannot even find work, and just because you can't play for the team you preferred in L.A. doesn't mean you have to screw up Dallas's chance to get in the playoffs. Let's not forget what Odom pulled last year during the playoffs when the Mavs kicked the Lakers out of the playoff running by defeating them in four games straight. When Odom knocked Dirk Nowitzki down to the floor, I was astonished. I will never forget that moment. I don't know if its because I am harboring some resentment against him, but I just don't think that's how a classy person should act.

Albeit, I know that one bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch or one bad team member doesn't spoil the team. However, I do think that one person with a bad attitude can have its effect on the other teammates. The Mavs will now have to pull themselves together as a team and show us fans out here that they have the spirit and perseverance to come out on top and be a threat to teams during the playoffs. Either way it goes, I will still and always be a huge Mavs fan.

Stieg Larsson and the adventures of Lisbeth Salander

Ever since the movie based on the Stieg Larsson books, starting with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, was announced, I began to read the series that originally became a sensation in 2004 with its publication, and then in 2006 when it received numerous awards and fans throughout Europe and in America. This series, which contains two other books The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, follows two main characters throughout their lives and simultaneous journeys and challenges. With these two characters, several different controversial issues are analyzed and broken down in order to shed light upon them to the reader.

This phenomena can first be observed in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo when Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander work together in order to find a missing family member of a noted clan in Sweden. However, in doing this, Blomkvist and Salander undercover dirty secrets of the family that pertain to affiliations some family members had to organizations that promoted illegal, malicious activity including murder and torture. For this reason, the reader has to be ready to be exposed to graphic details, but I will attest that the edgy material is enthralling because the resolution of the conflict is what becomes the ultimate desire for the reader and thus the reader is compelled to continue and finish the book.

Another element that acts as an alluring component for the reader is the development of the character's relationships throughout the book. As the characters are introduced and followed by the reader, there becomes a relationship developed between not only between the characters within the story, but also between the characters and the reader because you begin to root for different characters while wishing others only malicious ends. In my opinion this is what categorizes an excellent novel. Once the reader becomes that attached to the story, a deeper connection is made between the reader and the fictional world of the book. This is what all books aim for but few succeed at accomplishing.

The plot from the first book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo continues throughout the last two novels The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest. These books continue to follow Salander and Blomkvist in their ever developing, and increasingly turbulent, lives. The plot introduces not only new characters, but also mind blowing new issues that will keep the pages turning and the reader interested. Once The Girl Who Played with Fire is started you will be starting a literary journey that can only be resolved by finishing all three books of the series. At times the story will seem extremely long and drawn out because the books are about 600 pages long each, but if you enjoy a thrilling story, then reading these novels will be enjoyable in the end. Additionally, the book will keep you guessing. One thing I can say is that the plot throughout this series is not by any means predictable.

By the end of this series, each reader will become an investigator due to the plot contents and development. It teaches the audience how to look at each situation they are put in with a critical perspective.  This is a lesson that not everyone is taught and which I think is necessary for a mature outlook in life. So go out and buy the Larsson novel and movie adaption and grow even further from the shocking truths Salander and Blomkvist reveal.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fairytales Rewritten

Ever since I was a small child, Disney has shaped my life and perception of the world. I grew up with Ariel, Belle, Cinderella, and Aurora at my side. They were my best friends when I was a small girl. They were princesses who found true love, got married, and lived happily ever after. Well, now that I am all grow up, these princesses and their stories have revisited me. Author Alex Flinn has found a way of rewriting these classic tales into exciting, dramatic, and interactive novels for young adults. Some of her best known works that I have had the pleasure of reading include Beastly, A Kiss in Time, Breathing Underwater, and Cloaked. These books have brought smiles and tears, and thus are some of the best books I have read.

In Beastly Flinn rewrites the classic story of Beauty and the Beast. In the book, the reader is first introduced to a very handsome, rich, and vain young man who uses his popularity to tear down others. The use of this character is excellent because every person has met or interacted with someone who is either exactly like the main character or very close. Anyone familiar with the tale of Beauty and the Beast can guess what happens within the plot, but the way it is transformed by Flinn into a modern day setting is astonishing. She makes the reader able to relate to the "Beast" so well that you will feel his pain and heartache. One thing I will suggest to all those future readers of this book is do not skip over the internet chats put in between the chapters. It is through these chats that the development of the characters can be most greatly seen. After the book is finished, you must then watch the movie. Alex Pettyfer plays the Beast and he devotes his whole self into the character and the part making the movie only that much better. Mary-Kate Olsen also takes on the part of the enchantress, which is a very different role than what we are used to seeing her play. It is captivating.

Another Flinn book worth the note is A Kiss in Time. This book follows the story of Sleeping Beauty. Within the story, a common boy from America finds a hidden kingdom while touring Europe with his school. After awakening the sleeping princess, the teenage couple goes through an interesting journey to America. Within this journey some of the biggest obstacles teenagers face, like popularity, body image, and sticking to your lifelong dreams are highlighted and examined by the main characters. This award winning novel is a must read not only for teenagers, but for anyone who went through a hard time growing up.

Another award winning book by Flinn that cannot be overlooked is Breathing Underwater. This book focuses on two teenagers who are in a relationship and have to face problems not only with their relationship, but also with their family. This book concentrates on the effect that an abusive family can have upon a child. Even if it is not talked about by the child, the aftereffects can still be present. I also adore this book because it takes different perspectives into account. This allows for a more holistic understanding of the issues presented within the plot. I think that many young adults would benefit from reading this book because it would show how common the obstacles that they may face are. Thus it would give the readers someone to relate to and find strength in.

Lastly, Cloaked is an excellent, adventurous novel that focuses on a poor boy who works at a shoe store during the summer in order to help his mom make ends meet. This is something he was used to until, one day, a beautiful princess approaches him with the request to find her brother, who is a frog. From there, the young poor boy's adventure turns into something you only read about in children's books with flocks of animals who talk and the need to travel across the state. Love is involved, but not in the way you would think. This novel turns out to be a fairy story that you have never heard of. Thus, this book becomes a story that any person who enjoys and mystery and adventure would cling onto until it is finished.

From these reviews I think I have made it very apparent that I am a huge Alex Flinn fan, but I also wanted to convey how just because you surpass the age of seven doesn't mean you have to give up your fairytale. The Flinn books make it possible for you to hold onto the idea that every girl gets to live with her prince charming happily ever after.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Percy Jackson and Rick Riordan

I was first exposed to the world of Camp Half Blood and the book Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief when I went to go see the movie with one of my friends. I was not thrilled. The story seemed childish and there were the most annoying children sitting behind us in the theater. However, when I got home, and after I gave my friend grief for taking me to such a deplorable movie, I got to thinking. One of my friends once told me that you can never judge a book based on the movie. So I decided that I needed to read the book by Rick Riordan before I could adequately make up my mind. After I finished the first book of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, I became a huge fan of not only the Percy Jackson books, but also every other Riordan book. The ease of reading and the interesting plots of each book make the reader only want more.

In the first book, Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief, the reader is introduced to the characters and plot that will continue throughout the series. You get to meet Percy, Annabeth, and Grover who are the three main characters followed in the plot of the series. The reader is bound to become a fan of these three friends who work together in order to make sure that the human world stays intact. As the reader progresses through the series, they will also be introduced to more characters with interesting features are powers. These new characters will decide whether to become allies or enemies of Camp Half Blood and their ultimate mission.

As the series progresses the reader is also introduced to different settings within this world and beyond. In the first book The Lightning Thief, the reader gets to experience settings throughout America including the Underworld of Hades. In the second book Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters, the reader gets to experience life within the Sea of Monsters, aka. Bermuda Triangle, with Percy and Annabeth. Within this setting, the characters and readers get to experience life in the perspective of several different literary allusions. It is stimulating to the mind and imagination. This is excellent because it allows even the youngest of children to be exposed to classic writings of the literary world. When the series continues the settings become even more fantastic ranging from Mount Saint Helen's, to the Grand Canyon, and even downtown New York City. This guarantees entertainment for the reader as well as captivation at all times.

After the reader has finished the Percy Jackson series, the story thankfully continues on in The Lost Hero, which introduces an additional group of characters for the reader to fall in love with. Ironically, the characters are children of the Roman gods. They include Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez. These three characters mirror the three original characters from the Percy Jackson books. This element makes the sequels only that much more enticing for the fans. The plot also becomes an ever developing characteristic, pulling the reader in further to this fantastic fictional world. As the three main characters travel throughout the nation on their journey, the readers follow in an ever exciting and intriguing adventure.

The second book of this series, The Son of Neptune, picks back up with Percy Jackson at the Roman demigod camp equivalent to Camp Half Blood. In this book, Percy is accompanied by two Roman demigods, Frank and Hazel, who help him find his friends from the Greek demigod camp. The travels are just as wild and interesting as in the other books. This seems necessary for the demigod characters to prove their worth and ability. I would recommend these books to any reader out there who is looking for an interesting easy-to-read book that will capture their attention from the very beginning.

The only problem I have with this series is that the upcoming book in Percy Jackson and Olympians is not set to be released until October 2, 2012. That is just too long for the fans out there ( :) ). Just Kidding. I am just too excited to continue the journey with Percy Jackson and all his friends.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

DVD Extravaganza!!

I have not been to the movies as of late, but that did not interrupt my movie watching experience because so many fantastic DVDs have been released in the past few weeks. These new releases include War Horse, The Muppets, Real Steel, and many more that I have yet to watch. I highly recommend the purchase of one or all of these DVDs because of the excellent story lines and acting present within the features and the ability to watch these superb movies whenever you want or have the time to. Isn't that why we all own a DVD player?

First, I will promote The Muppets, an excellent movie that reintroduces the viewers to the childhood TV show that impacted and shaped many of our early lives. In this production Jason Segel and Amy Adams go on a journey to the Muppet Studio with their Muppet pal, Walter, in order to keep the Muppet industry from going out of business. Within this show, the audience gets to watch the whole Muppet cast come back together to put on one final production filled with singing and dancing. The audience also gets to see cameo appearances from some of the most popular actors in Hollywood. These cameos include Zach Galifianakis, Ken Jeong, Jim Parsons, Emily Blunt, Whoopi Goldberg, Selena Gomez, Niel Patrick Harris, John Krasinski, and Jack Black (and that list is just scratching the surface). The comedy introduced in the plot and the amazing vocals performed by Jason Segel and Jim Parsons, not to forget Kermit or Miss Piggy, enthrall the audience from the beginning of the movie.

Another must buy DVD is War Horse directed by Steven Spielberg. This movie follows the strong relationship of a British boy and his horse through WWI when the horse is sold to the British Calvary and the boy is deployed for the British army. The strong relationship is tested in the most turbulent times. Begin a Spielberg film, the story line is outstanding not to mention the visual effects being of the highest degree. This movie proves to be one of the most touching and moving war movies I have ever had the pleasure of watching.

Another DVD that one must purchase in order to have a complete, well-rounded DVD collection is Real Steel. This movie is set in the future when robot boxing has become a major sport for the public. During this presentation, Hugh Jackman and Dakota Goyo play a father-son duo who are reacquainted after a long separation. They have to work through differences they possess in character in order to have a close relationship. A major tool in this father-son reconnection is rebuilding a second class robot to enter in the upcoming professional fights. The special effects used in this production are some of the best I have seen in a while. Think of Transformers being melded with Terminator (the original Terminator) type of robots. This movie is also one of the few that portrays Hugh Jackman as a rough character, impossible to get along with. Even in the X-men movies, Hugh Jackman's character Wolverine showed a gentler side at times. However, in Real Steel Jackman's character always has his guard up. It gives the audience something unique and entertaining to watch. The comedy is very dry humor at times. One warning I will give to possible viewers is that the beginning of this movie is very slow. The action does not get started until about half way through. Taking all of this into account,  Real Steel ends up being an experience like WWF and an episode of Robot Warriors combined. I would categorize it as a real crowd pleaser.

All I know is that these DVDs, plus many more that I have yet to review, will make for an excellent movie collection and viewing party. Additional reviews of some of my favorite movies will be on the  way.