Friday, May 25, 2012

Education Crumbling?

Today I was watching TV, as I usually do in the morning, and happened upon one of my favorite movies, Mr. Holland's Opus. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of seeing this movie, it follows the life of Mr. Holland, a musician who is forced to teach music at a high school rather than become a famous composer. However, he becomes a life altering teacher who helps several different students find their purpose in life. By the end of the movie, Mr. Holland is fired from his teaching position not because of a decline in his teaching ability but because of a decrease in funding for the music and arts departments.

This got me thinking. I know Texas is currently going through difficulties in financing the education system statewide. This is a product of multiple things like the Robin Hood plan and the economic crisis experienced nationwide. For this reason, school districts are being forced to reappropriate funds so that their budgets can be decreased. What I find interesting is that every time districts are forced to reallocate funds the first departments to be cut are the music, arts, and advanced placement programs. One example I can think of is the Southlake Carroll District. One of my friends who works within this district told me that when the Southlake was going through the process described above a few years ago, they cut the music, band, and arts departments from their budget. Now the only way that these organizations still exist within the school is from the fundraising money collected and kids/parents paying to participate. This deeply disturbs me. When I was in high school I participated in the choral program for all four years. It was where I found my identity. However, with current trends, the existence of a music department in Texas public schools is slim.

Here is where we connect back to Mr. Holland. In the movie, when he was fired from his musical teaching position Mr. Holland cited that if the school districts continued to cut the music and art departments, the students will have no reason to come. There will no longer be anything to creatively write about or exciting aspects of the day to anticipate. It will just be long division and science. There must continue to be something left for the people with creative minds and musical hearts.

My mother teaches at a local elementary school. She teaches the gifted and talented class. This is a class aimed specifically at kids with a high IQ who require a more interactive curriculum. In this class there are exercises aimed at expanding a students creativity, problem solving, and abstract thinking. I was a part of this class when I was in elementary school. I loved the logic problems and the abstract drawings we were given to complete. Well this year, the school district considered cancelling this class, not offering it next year. However, when the parents became privy to this information, they petitioned for it to be continued. The school district decided to continue the GT program, but it will be considered for pruning again next year.

It amazes me how the school district thinks its okay to punish the intellectually gifted, the singers, and the artists for their budget screw ups, but NEVER even think about taking a penny away from the sports departments. Southlake Carroll, for instance, would never take money away from their State Champion football team. I've heard it said that sports are emphasized because of the opportunity they offer students in the future. However, this same argument can be used for the music and art departments. There could be a Mozart or Picasso at any of these high schools, but will never realize their true potential because of the fact that the district will not adequately fund their programs. The real problem I guess, is that I have no solution for this problem. The only solution I have is if your school doesn't have a choir but you feel the need to sing, then bust out and sing to your favorite song on the radio. You can also try to find a community choir to join. If you feel the need to paint, find some paint or watercolors and paint the picture you see in your mind. Same for if you need to play an instrument. Play the song you hear in your heart. Play, Sing, Paint what your heart is saying.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Real Housewives are Real fun

So I would like to start by apologizing for my recent absence from the blog world. I had ankle surgery two weeks ago and have been getting better, but in doing so, I have forsaken the postings. Well, I am back.

One show that has entertained me beyond belief is the Real Housewives of New York. This show follows a group of "high class" women living their lives not only in New York, but throughout the world. The reason I say that the women of this show are "high class" is because while being a part of the upper echelons of society, their behavior and maturity levels do not always reflect that.

In watching  the emotional happenings of the show, the extremes of female behavior are demonstrated. Some of the women, Jill Zarin in particular, act as though they are still in high school. They treat the other women based on how it benefits their own lives. An example of this occurred when Ramona invited all the women to her bachelorette get away in the Virgin Islands. Albeit, this get away was before Ramona's recommitment ceremony and not her first wedding, but Jill, who was not originally going to be there, crashed the party on the last day. This was after Jill had big falling outs with both Bethenny and Alex, henceforth, chaos ensued. During this trip to the Virgin Islands, viewers also got the witness the massive meltdown of Kelly, which was some of the most entertaining and disturbing TV. However, Kelly's meltdown taught me that gummy bears and lollipops can fix anything. Other women showcased within this series, like LuAnn de Lessepes, act with total class. When confronted with a problem, they addresses it and make sure that all ends are tied up, keeping as much private as possible. The combination of these reactions adequately portray how different females act and behave on a daily basis.

My sister was the person who got me hooked on this show a couple of years ago. She got me started by exposing me to the Real Housewives of New York and from there I got hooked on the Real Housewives of New Jersey. What drew me to the Jersey version is the drama that fills the episodes and how the women react to it as a whole. It is full of laughs, gasps, and a few tears. On The Jersey version, I think the episode that most people will remember is the one where Danielle Staub's past is revealed at a dinner attended by all the Housewives. A book, written by an ex-boyfriend of Danielle's, talked about how Danielle was once put under arrest and used to be a dancer. When Danielle became aware of the fact that some of the Housewives had made this information known publicly, she exploded at them yelling and sending the dinner into a chaotic fight. This was, however, after she freaked out during a charity event, throwing champagne at Teresa and had her hair weave pulled out by Jacqueline's daughter. It was very entertaining. Basically, any episode of New Jersey Housewives that includes Danielle is an episode to watch.

 No matter what, something will hook you when it comes to the Real Housewives. So if you have free time on your hands, flip the channel to Bravo and have yourself a good time.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Today, as I was driving home, I saw one of the most disturbing sights. On the wall of the local high school offensive words and images had been spray painted onto the wall for all to see. Both students and innocent citizens passing by the school are privy to the images that would not only disturb, but also agitate people to the point of tears. As I passed this escapade, I was appalled. How could a person, a high school student, find this behavior acceptable? People who partake in actions like this do not calculate how much of an impact their words have upon others. Small actions can make the most difference upon other people. Words especially have a huge effect on boys and girls everywhere.

This links back to the major issue of bullying that the American public is facing today. Throughout the nation kids, teenagers, and adults are falling victim to the consequences of bullying everyday. Words, spoken and unspoken, are hurtful to people as well as the offensive glares, attitudes, and hand gestures the people fall victim to everyday. What amazes me most of all is the ignorance of some people to their participation in bullying. The actions associated with bullying are so common in society today that it seems as though they are almost accepted by people. In schools, malls, and other public places bullying can be seen daily. The fact that it is so prevalent is what also disturbs me. People who are bullied are often loners and really need only one thing: a friend to stand by their side. I know this because I have been in their shoes. I was once without any friends and spent all my time either alone or with my parents. It was a dark time for me and was only lightened when I finally found one friend at school. My sister also became one of my truest friends. She would always take my calls and knew how to calm me down when I was flustered or how to make me laugh when I was depressed. Only with the friendship of my sister and my friend at school was I able to make it through the last years of high school. The same was true when I went to college. During my freshman year, I was a loner and kept to myself, but after I joined the Women's Chorus of Texas A&M, I was able to make life long friends that I still keep in touch with today.

I say all of this to communicate how behavior like I witnessed at the high school I live by is not acceptable and should not even be carried out in the first place. It hurts too many people and the effects are long term. Bullying is not something that a person just forgets. The memories of it stay with them forever. Hopefully, people can grow from the hard times, but that does not give permission for hateful actions to be committed. For this reason I hope that the spray painted images will be painted over as soon as possible so that no more people will be affected by their malicious intent.