Saturday, September 15, 2012

Texas A&M v. SMU: Changes needed for a winning result

In a couple of minutes, Texas A&M will be playing in their second game of the 2012-2013 football season against SMU in Dallas. With this being their second game during their first season as part of the SEC, TAMU's football team needs to strive to make a few adjustments in order to come out on the winning side of this game and season.

First, Texas A&M needs to learn how to balance their veteran's experience with their rookie's talent and promise while on the field. While playing against Florida last weekend, Johnny Manziel, Texas A&M's freshman quarterback, demonstrated how much talent and potential he has in his position on the football team. His speed, fearlessness on the field, and determination ensure that Manziel will be an excellent leader on the team, however he needs to learn how to perform consistently throughout the game. During the Florida game, Manziel had a phenomenal first half leading the Aggie team to a ten-point lead at halftime. However, during the second half, Manziel controlled the game for little time, leading to a Florida win. I think this can change, however, if some of the veterans on the team mentor Manziel by giving him some advice and support. Team comradery can go a long ways into having a winning season, and I believe A&M is one school in which strong comradery exists.

The Aggie football team must remember to always keep their mind in the now. Focus must be put on the next game, learning from mistakes, but moving forward to the next obstacle. The Florida loss is behind them, and while different lessons can be taken from that game, the Ags must now concentrate on beating the SMU Mustangs. I hope that the football players will not let their minds get muddled with regrets from last week and will instead try to prove everyone wrong by beating the next team they come up against.

One lesson that I think can be taken from last week's game is that the Aggies need to change their tactic of play depending upon each team they come up against. The Aggies have shown that they can play an amazing first half, but after half time their performance is a bit lackluster. The Ags need to be able to play a good first half and then go into halftime, assess the tactics of the opposing team, and then make the necessary changes to their game plan to be able to go out during the second half and attack the opposing team with new vigor. This is what Florida was able to do, and look how that turned out for them. A&M needs to not be the team able to play one half well.

I think A&M also needs to work on their rushing game. Last week it seemed, as through almost every play was a passing play. The Aggies need to develop both an amazing passing and rushing game in order to be a legitimate threat to other SEC teams.

The last thing that Texas A&M, as a whole, needs to work on is keeping up the fan base during the season. Texas A&M Aggies, current and former members, need to continue to uphold and demonstrate the Aggie Spirit to other SEC teams and fans. The Aggie values, traditions, and behaviors are what make Texas A&M the university that personifies friendliness and hospitality. This became evident when a fan from Florida posted an article in which he described the positive experience he had while visiting College Station with his son for the game. This is something that needs to be continued so that A&M will continue to be heralded as an amiable college campus.

These are all things I hope that A&M will succeed at accomplishing. So Thanks and Gig Em!

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