Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Best and Worst of Election Day 2012

Well that time has rolled around yet again, the time in which the American public must accept and live with the outcome of their vote in the Presidential election. It happens every four years, and yet people are always surprised when it roles around. I, however, see it as a kind of ritual for the American people, an opportunity that we, as Americans, must learn to appreciate. This past election, unfortunately, was more about negative campaigning and publicity than it was about making the United States a better place to live in. I believe this point of view communicated by many of the television stations swayed the vote and yielded the eventual election result. For that reason I will not write about what I think about the outcome of the election. Instead I will outline the ten best and ten worst aspects of last night's results presentations made by different news organizations so that people in 2016 can watch out for different schemes made on the public.

And let us begin with the worst:
10. Make your transitions to commercials a bit more fluid.
9. Make sure to interview an equal number of representatives from each party so as not to make your broadcast too one sided.
8. Diane Sawyer needs to be sure to divvy up airtime equally.
7. Give the experts you have for interviews ample time to answer the questions you pose.
6. Make sure Barbra Walters has her other View divas on TV with her. It is much more entertaining that way.
5. Do not do the "turtle neck". Sit up straight, extend your neck forward, and wear a dress that compliments your shoulder structure.
4. Do not forecast possible election results by adding hypothetical electoral votes to a candidate's actual electoral wins before the hypothetical electoral votes are actually valid.
3. When interviewing a government official, be sure to get his or her party affiliation correct.
2. Do not report on the fact that "the alcohol just arrived" when covering a candidate's election party. It's a family show, dude.
1. Do not ask a common voter on the street their opinion about the election results just to cut them off before they even have the chance to reply.

And the best parts:
10. The screams at the President's elections party were EPIC!
9. Local election results scrolling along at the bottom of the screen is always a fun way of keeping up with what's going on at home.
8. The interviews I saw of conservative republicans supporting the election of President Obama struck me with awe at how a nation can come together even when at odds.
7. The youth vote was a strong force in the Presidential election yet again. With almost 50% of the youth voters turning out, they let their voice be heard and be a deciding factor once more.
6. The bar graph results climbing up a building in Times Square may not have been the best way to see the numbers and the closeness of the election, but it was definitely fun to watch.
5. When the news organizations can show the emotions of the voters by displaying a napkin soaked with the joyful tears of liberal Americans, you know you have a good show on your hands.
4. Interviewing a holographic George Washington. One word, GENIUS!
3. The electoral map being displayed on the ice rink in Rockefeller Center was a stroke of brilliance. I now see ice painting is a possible job for me.
2. The ability for people to laugh at how we went through a tough, close race just to be back where we were four years ago put an ironic smile on my face.
1. Getting Patrick Stewart to narrate your Election Day 2012 Broadcast, brilliant and BRITISH :)

And now that all those have been uncovered and outlined, we as Americans can prepare for four more years of the Obama administration bringing with it a new and improved healthcare system, soldiers coming home from overseas, and altered tax plans. After these next four years we can then decide if the decision America made was right or not. Until then all I can say is, Obama 2012! Good night and good luck :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your take on it. Very different and less hostile than some other opinions floating around out there ;) Great job, sissy!
