Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Presidential Debate 3: Final Round, Mano y Mano

And it comes to this. Setting- Lynn University Boca Raton, Florida. Competitors- President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. General Topic of Discussion- Foreign Policy. The stage was set and the nation was watching. The final fight began.

The night opened with a question about Libya. The candidates were posed with the basic question of what was done in response by the United States, how the situation could have been avoided, and whether or not the American public was misled by the information the government made available. Romney began the debate by stating that the Libyan incident demonstrates how the foreign policies and relationships of America have fallen apart and unraveled during Obama's term. Romney pointed out how an unchecked attack in Libya could spread throughout the Middle East to countries like Syria, Israel, and Iran yielding an internal collapse of the region. This would then pose an even greater threat to the United States and its citizens. Romney then stated that America couldn't fight its way out of the mess in the Middle East. Romney said that, if elected, he would support getting a group of countries from the Middle East together with the ultimate goal of getting them to reject the extremism of terrorism. He said that the US needs a comprehensive strategy like this in order to ensure that terrorism threats are done away with for all. At the same time, Romney said that the US must keep foreign aid and direct foreign investments in the Middle East in order to stimulate the economy and support the education and gender equality movements of the region. He said that progress is needed throughout the Middle East region in order to ensure that it does not regress after the United States pulls out.

Obama also answered the question of Libya saying that keeping Americans safe is one of the most important initiatives of the Executive Branch. Obama pointed out how during his administration the war in Iraq has ended while the transition of US troops out of Afghanistan has begun. Obama then defended his administration by saying that when they received the phone call reporting the situation in Libya; they first looked to the safety of Americans in Libya and the United States. Next, Obama said the investigation began looking into the events surrounding the attack of the four American diplomatic personnel. The final step of Obama's response to the attack is to go after the attackers in order to bring them to justice for the killings. Obama then attributed the liberation of Libya and replacement of the ruling Libyan despot to America's actions. In conclusion to his response, Obama outlined the desires of America within this region which include (1) making sure Middle Eastern countries support US counter terrorism efforts, (2) confirming Middle Eastern support for the US protection agreement of Israel, (3) protecting religious minorities and women in the region, (4) developing economic capabilities of the Middle East, and (5) turning attention to domestic American needs in order to set better examples worldwide.

The debate then continued onto the issue of Syria. The question that was posed was whether or not the candidates think the American actions in respect to this conflict should be reassessed. Obama began by listing how he supported different international organizations during his administration to give assistance, relief, and humanitarian aid to countries experiencing conflict, like Syria. Obama continued by saying that his administration has made sure to support and mobilize the opposition forces in Syria while coordinating with regional countries to provide aid. However, Obama does not support the idea of becoming entangled in the Syrian conflict militarily because of the possibility that weapons supplied in this region could end up in the hands of possible enemies and terrorists.

Romney responded in a similar manner saying that the US needs to see a replacement government created in Syria. Romney said organizing with regional countries could do this. However Romney believes that the US needs to send arms to Syria to defend them. However, Romney does not was America's military to become involved in Syria. Romney sees Syria as an opportunity because Syria is Iran's only ally, and if the US becomes involved in Syria, then we might be able to apply more pressure to Iran.

The third question focused on Egypt and what regrets the candidates might have about America's action, or rather inaction, when it comes to the conflict that happened within this country. Obama began this section by stating that he had no regrets about his decision with regards to Egypt. He said that America has to stand for democracy and freedom and that if he had done anything too rash, he would have been ignoring those American ideals. Now that things have changed in Egypt, however, Obama said that it must be made certain that the government protects the women and minorities. He also said that, as President, he would make sure that Egypt abides by the treaty the US has with Israel. It will also be seen to by Obama that Egypt cooperates with American counter terrorism efforts. Obama also noted that he would work to help Egypt develop their economy along with the US, making it uncorrupted and transparent, in order to prepare for and ensure and prosperous future.

Romney responded to the Egypt question by agreeing with what Obama said. Romney said that in order to bring peace to the Middle East, Egypt will need help from the United States and Romney is ready to give that help. Romney said that the US would need to rebuild its economy domestically at the same time, in order to be a strong example for Egypt. Romney also talked about how he would strengthen the US military in order to ensure protection for the US and Egypt as well. Romney ended his response to the Egypt question by saying that the US will need to stand by its principles outlined in documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Next, the candidates were asked about what they thought America's role in the world was and would be in the upcoming years. Here, Romney answered first stating that America has a responsibility to defend freedom and promote peace throughout the world. He continued his answered by describing the principles of America he mentioned in the previous answer. These principles include freedom of expression, human rights and dignity, free enterprise, and elections giving citizens the opportunity to vote for peace. From here, Romney cited America's job to end conflicts around the world and promote peace, strengthen economies and military's long term. Romney also promoted America's action of standing by allies like Poland and Israel.

Obama responded to the question of America's role and future by describing how, as President, he refocused on the terrorist threat in the Middle East, positioned America to rebuild the economy by beginning to bring manufacturing jobs back domestically, and supported the education network. He noted how as a nation we need to reduce out deficit, but concentrated on how America needs to become more competitive as a nation by changing education policies in order to make progress. Obama said he supports hiring more math and science teachers specifically because that is the best way to stimulate business and affect economic growth. Obama said that by doing these things in the education realm, America will be able to become more competitive on the international level.

The next question pertained specifically to Romney since it was about where the money for a bigger military was going to come from. This is something Romney had supported in previous debates and speeches. Romney started by saying that in order to increase the military, he would first cut 5% of discretionary funds without touching the military budget. After that, Romney said he would reduce spending by cutting things, like Obamacare and programs not needed by the public. Finally, Romney said that he would then turn over programs needed by the public to the states to control. Romney said that if this plan were enacted, the national budget would be balance in 8-10 years.

Obama answered this question by saying that the money Romney desires to give the military is not even wanted by the military. The $2 trillion Romney wants to give to the Army and Navy is not being asked for by the military at all. Instead, Obama believes that the capability of the military need to be examined before extra money is set-aside for them. Capabilities, as in cyberspace, need to be developed for the Army's needs before giving them more money for everyday resources. Obama believes this will reduce the deficit, especially as the military pulls out of places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama ended by promising that the budget for the US military would be maintained, not reduced as Romney suggested.

The next question posed was about where the red lines for Israel and Iran were in the candidate's eyes. Obama began this series of answers by saying that Israel will be guarded if they are attacked, no matter what. He then said that under his administration, the strongest cooperation in history has been agreed upon and maintained with Israel. From there, Obama said that Iran would never get a nuclear weapon as long as he is in power. He said that Iran has been made aware of two sanctions concerning their nuclear capabilities. Either (1) they can take the diplomatic route and end attempts at nuclear weapons, or (2) face a united world front with no options of retaliation taken off the table. However, the President said that sending in US forces would be the last option.

Romney's response echoed Obama's. Romney said that he would stand on Israel's side at all times and that a nuclear capable Iran was unacceptable. He then presented plan in which America would try to dissuade Iran with crippling economic sanctions, tighten the sanctions over time, present diplomatic isolation efforts, and use military action as a final resort.

The candidates were then asked about whether or not they would accept a deal from Iran. Obama quickly answered by saying that any reports of negotiations with Iran were false rumors. Then Obama said that the goal of the US with concern to Iran was to get Iran to give up its nuclear program and abide by current UN regulations. Then Obama said that the clock is ticking and that as each second passes the option of intervention becomes closer.

Romney answered by saying that Iran saw a weakness in America through Obama's administration with their "apology tour", when Obama supposedly went to different countries apologizing for mistakes made by America, and in the silence of the administration during conflicts and international disagreements, like Syria. It is for this reason that Romney says Iran is four years closer to a nuclear weapon. Romney then said that the President needs to show strength, and that if he were elected he would show the necessary vigilance to the world and the American public.

From there, the debate continued onto the issue of Afghanistan and if the Afghan citizens were ready for the US to pull out in 2014. Romney started this answer by ensuring the viewers that the 2014 pull out date was a promise. Romney thinks that the Afghan forces are trained and ready for the Americans to leave. Romney then kind of went off on a tangent, saying that Pakistan is a more important issue now. Romney thinks that the status of Pakistan as a nation will determine whether or not Afghanistan will be a successful nation after Americans leave. He thinks this because Pakistan has a greater number of nuclear weapons, and after the Americans leave, these nuclear weapons could be easily transferred into Afghanistan. Because of this, Romney believes it is not time to dissolve relations with Pakistan. The terrorist organizations that are within this country of the Middle East could spread their power into Afghanistan, taking it back to square one.

Obama, on the other hand, noted that the American forces have accomplished many of their original objectives. Afghan forces have been built up, the leadership has been overthrown, and now Obama thinks the US forces must leave and turn their attention back to the domestic status of the US. Obama also supports looking to the benefits given to veterans after they leave the forces, mainly concerning their health and living status. Obama referenced an organization called Joining Forces, which the First Lady works with that helps veterans return to the work force.

The final question of the evening concerned the rise of China and the future of the United States in respect to China. During this section of the debate the candidates were also suppose to explain what they thought the greatest threat to national security was at this time. Obama began by saying that he believed that the greatest threat to national security was currently terrorist networks because of the impact their actions can have worldwide. He continued by saying that China is an adversary but needs to continue to follow the rules concerning trade and economies of other countries.

Romney began by saying that the greatest threat to the US national security is a nuclear Iran. On the note of China, Romney explained that when China looks at the US, they see instability in the government and economy. For that reason, Romney also thinks that we need trade relations with China that work for the US. After this, Romney called China a "currency manipulator" who hacks our computers and steals our goods. After this remark, Romney was asked how he would respond to a trade war with China. Romney said that there is currently a trade imbalance with China since they counterfeit our products. Romney said he would not let this counterfeit continue.

Obama responded to the trade war question by pointing out how Romney invested in companies that ship jobs overseas to China. Obama then said that since he took office, US exports have doubled.

Closing the debate each candidate said final words to the viewers as voting places open for early voting. Obama closed by saying each voter has a choice. He wants to build on the strengths of America as a nation noting that America needs nation building here at home. Obama then said that he knew the US will bounce back because of the character of the Americans he has met.

Romney closed by ensuring listeners that he was optimistic about the future. Romney wants to see peace and make the world a safer place. He also desires to get the economy stimulated by balancing the budget and making more jobs available to all Americans. Romney also told viewers that he would work across the aisle to make sure the Republicans and Democrats alike agree on the legislation passed. Lastly, Romney assured American that he would fix a broken Washington and yield a better nation if he were to be elected.

And now that you have read this, analyze the two options and make your decision. GO VOTE!!

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