Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Part Deux: The Presidential Democalypse Debate Continues

Last night saw the governmental feud deepen as the Presidential candidates meet in a town outside of New York City to participate in their second debate. This debate differed from the first in that it was held in a "town hall" kind of fashion with a group of voters asking the candidates questions ranging in topic from rectifying gender inequality in the work place to reducing tax rates for the American public. I will outline what each candidate had to say question by question.

The first question came from a 20-year-old college student who is planning on graduating in 2014. He asked the candidates how they plan to address the current economic status of the United States in order to ensure collegiate graduates employment opportunities after they graduate. Romney answered this question first, saying that if he were elected in November, it would be one of his top goals to lower tuition rates for college education nationwide. He continued saying that if he were elected, and his economic plan was enacted, then job creation would be spurred by the stimulated economy. Romney has a good record on education development having stimulated and rebuilding the education levels of Massachusetts, the state he was governor of from 2003-2007.

Obama responded to this question next by saying that creating good paying jobs domestically was one of his top desires as well. He then outlined his five step plan to overcome this obstacle saying that 1) he plans to build manufacturing jobs within the US, 2) supporting the stimulation of the education levels available nationwide in order to give America one of the best education systems worldwide, 3) promoting America becoming energy independent, 4) reducing the national deficit by asking the wealthy citizens to pay more in taxes, and 5) using the money previously set aside for the war efforts for domestic development and repair efforts. Through these five steps Obama believes that the country will be pulled from our current economic slide, creating more jobs for the American citizen.

The second question that was asked pertained to growing gas prices. Another audience member came forward and asked whether or not it was the job of the Energy Department to lower or raise gas prices. Obama answered first by reiterating how the US needs to work towards controlling our own energy. He cited that within the last twenty years, the US has increased oil and natural gas production to the highest level recorded. Obama also cited the need for increasing clean energy production and research. Obama promoted clean energy efforts as an overall solution. Through this relatively new market of wind a solar energy, more jobs might be created in order to fight the unemployment rate.

Romney debated whether or not the President supported policies concerning acquiring energy. Romney accused Obama of cutting the number of licenses and permits for energy companies in half during his past four years. Romney said that if he were President, North America would be energy independent in eight years. Romney also supports more drilling and building a pipeline from Canada in order to increase the amount of gas production.

Next, the discussion changed topics to whether or not the reduction of tax rates for all brackets of society was possible with the promised elimination of deductions. The candidates were also asked to explain their position on the eliminations that are important to Middle class citizens, like education deductions. Romney began answering this question by saying that he would guarantee a decrease of tax rates for all citizens based on three principles: 1) lowering tax rates, 2) simplifying tax codes, and 3) getting Middle income tax payers lower taxes because they have been buried by tax expenses for the past four years. Romney then promised that he would limit deductions for people in the top 5% while allowing the Middle class to not pay taxes on interest, dividends, or capital gains. Romney also said that under his plan there would be no tax on savings for the Middle class. This would be the best plan according to Romney because with Obama's spending and borrowing will cause a greater debt and a mandatory tax increase for all.

Obama then responded by stating that his true desire is to give the Middle and Lower classes some tax relief. He explained how he planned to do this by saying that first, citizens making $250,000 in income or less would experience no change in their tax burden. This would mean that 98% of America would see no tax increase at all. However, for the people receiving $250,000 or greater for their income would go back to the tax rates from the Clinton era, the last time America had a surplus in the budget. Through this plan Obama asserted that our economic recession would be corrected.

Next the candidates were asked how they would rectify the gender inequalities still present in the modern workplace. An example of this is how women make 72% of what their male counterparts earn. Obama answered this question first by citing his support of the Lilly Ledbetter bill. This federal statute was the first piece of legislation signed by Obama after he was appointed into office. This piece of legislation, better known as the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with regards to equal pay for women and the discrimination that goes on behind the scenes as their paychecks are determined. Obama cited his support of this bill as evidence for his stance supporting equal rights of women nationwide. Obama also noted how his administration had expanded Pell grants nationwide in order to finance students' college education. He said that in order to stop discrimination, discrimination must stop being tolerated.

Romney replied to the same question by pointing out how while he was governor of Massachusetts, more women were employed in his cabinets than in any other state. He said that he made a conscious effort in order to ensure that women were well represented in the capital government. Then Romney reiterated that if he were elected, his economic plan would provide more jobs for the female gender by strengthening the economy as a whole.

Romney was then asked a question about how he differed from Former President George W Bush. Romney responded readily to this question citing how they are different people at different times. Romney highlighted how, if he were President, trade with China would be cracked down upon while expanding trade in Latin America. He went further saying that, unlike Bush, Romney would make it one of his supreme efforts to balance the budget and champion small businesses. Romney said that Bush was more concerned with large businesses and that, unlike Bush, Romney would try to make sure that the individual citizens opening small businesses won in the economy.

Obama then interjected that Romney's economic plan centers on tax cuts that are similar to the Bush tax cuts, the reason America is in its current economic crash. Obama also pointed out how Romney is more extreme socially, not supporting organizations like Planned Parenthood and PBS.

The next question was more point blank. A middle aged man asked each of the candidates to explain why he should vote for them since determining the candidate's character has become difficult during this election has only pointed out the bad characteristics of each of the candidates. Obama answered first by outlining all of the accomplishments he has made during the past four years. From ending the war in Iraq (though we still have troops there) to proposing a new healthcare plan and killing Osama bin Laden, Obama listed many different events which sound like a definition of pandering.

Romney next answered by stating that if Obama is elected, he will just give you a repeat of the last four years, not following through on any of his promises. Romney then said that Obama has crushed the Middle Class, and that Obama may be a great speaker, but that his record does not follow suit.

The next question dealt with the issue of immigration. A young woman asked what each of the candidates would do with current immigrants living in the United States with green cards. Romney began by saying he wants our legal system to work better and become more streamlined. He thinks that we should give visas to people who graduate with skills that are needed in the United States. He basically thinks that we should just staple the green cards to the immigrant's diplomas. However, Romney said that he would not grant amnesty to current illegal immigrants. He believes that illegal immigration can be stopped if put into place an employment verification service for immigrants. However, Romney also believes "self-deportation" is an option. In his words, self-deportation does not mean that the US government will round up illegal immigrants, but rather that the US government will allow the immigrants to make the decision for themselves. For instance, if the immigrants are not able to finance their living situation or find work in the US easily, then through self-deportation they will be sent away in order to have better opportunities.

Obama, on the other hand, believes that since the United States is a nation of immigrants, the broken system needs to be fixed in a similar method as Romney, "streamlining the system to make it simpler." However, Obama wants to make it cheaper and easier on the people waiting for citizenship. Obama also believes that more boarder patrol is needed on the boarders of the US. He thinks that if the criminal immigrants are targeted and apprehended, then the children of legal immigrants will find a productive pathway to citizenship in America.

The issue of Libya was finally touched on when a middle aged man asked who denied the enhanced security for the ambassadors and Americans in Libya and why. Neither of the candidates, however, truly answered this question. Obama said that after the killings occurred he ordered procedures to be "beefed up" in every part of the region, began an investigation, and assured the public that the aggressors would be hunted down for the crimes committed. However, he did NOT say who denied the security in the first place. What Obama did do was admit that, in the end, he as the President is responsible for what takes place.

The next question was aimed at Obama as well. It was asked whether or not Secretary of State Hilary Clinton deserved to take all the blame and responsibility for the intelligence failures overseas. Obama answered firstly by saying that Clinton does an extraordinary job as Secretary of State, but still works, in a sense, for him meaning that Obama still takes all the responsibility. Think of him as the boss-like figure. It is still Obama's responsibility because he represents the nation as its current President and leader. Obama then said that his administration would never play politics and mislead the nation in an emotional situation like this one.

From there, the discussion changed to what the candidates would do to limit the availability of assault weapons, like the AK-47, to the public. Obama began answering this question by citing the 2nd Amendment, right to bear arms. He alluded then to the tragic events that took place in Aurora, Colorado. After this shooting took place at a movie theater, Obama said that the enforcement of current laws needs to be a priority so that guns can be kept out of criminal hands and from the mentally ill. Obama mentioned the importance of background checks and how the reintroduction of assault weapon bans would be just the first steps. Obama ended his answer by saying that taking a look into the other causes of violent crimes would be an excellent way to discover what causes people to make these destructive decisions. Intervention within the community would stop the events before they get out of control.

Romney then stated that he was not in favor of new legislation. He supports current gun laws and thinks Americans need to change the culture of violence by supporting the education system and encouraging parent intervention. Romney did; however, support assault weapon bans before the election, but had to abandon that support in order to get funding from the NRA, thus flip flopping on this issue.

The candidates then were asked how they planned to bring back outsourced jobs from overseas to the US and keep them here. Romney said that he had seen manufacturing jobs go to China due to the lower prices and that to get jobs back in the US the environment has to look attractive to the businesses. Romney also said that he would make sure that businesses obey the rules in trade agreements or will put tariffs into play. Romney said that by getting a level playing field the US would be able to attract companies no matter the lower costs in other countries.

Obama also wants to lower corporate tax rates by destroying loopholes that allow companies to deduct expenses and profit when they move offshore. He also said that doubling exports through trade deals would be essential for relations with foreign countries. Obama also corrected Romney saying that the Chinese currency has actually increased by 11% since 2008 because of the pressure that the Obama administration has applied. Obama did admit, however, that some companies may not come back because they may desires lower skill level for lower pay but that Obama will get high skilled, high wage jobs for the American public.

The final question posed in the second debate was what the candidates' thought was the biggest misperception made about them as a man and a candidate. Romney said that he cared about 100% of the American people. Romney also pointed out that his religious beliefs defined him as a man. Then Romney closed by saying that he was able to make Massachusetts one of the best states in the nation and that the American public should not have to settle for the way things currently are.

Obama closed by saying that he believes in the free enterprise system, individual initiative, and every person getting a fair shot at achievements in life. During his closing Obama also brought up Romney's 47% comment, saying that those 47% are the people that Obama wants to fight for and help because they are the ones who deserve it.

The candidates continue this little game of politics. The final debate is on October 22, 2012. Tune in and see who wins and my blog update will be up the next day.

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