Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Lost Generation

The world is constantly changing: sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Daily we experience heightened levels of threat and security worldwide. However, domestically changes are rocking life for people no matter their social class or level. I know that when I was younger I lived in a naive world where I had everything planned down to the second. I was going to graduate high school, go to college and graduate with a bachelor's degree from a highly credited university, and then I was going to get a job. BING, BANG, BOOM, I had everything for a comfortable life planned. If I went from A to B and B to C, everything would be perfect. I thought that after getting a job everything else would just follow as it presented itself. I would get married one day, maybe pop out a kid or two, and then travel the world seeing everything that had been purely mystery and fairytale from my childhood.

Things, however, do not always go as planned. I graduated high school after overcoming trials and obstacles that few live through, went to a top university and graduated with a bachelor's degree. And then everything fell to pieces. The last part of my life plan gave me nothing but empty hands and confusion. I went to a few interviews, even worked for free temporarily, but I could not figure out what I wanted to do. I had this degree, but wanted to do nothing in the field that I had studied for four years. So what happened next? Well I moved back in with the parents, began writing this blog and for a local entertainment blog, and tried to sort through my muddled thoughts in order to figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Time passed. I quit writing for the entertainment blog because it was leading me nowhere and paid me nothing. As all things crumbled around me, leaving me twiddling my thumbs, jobless, and lost, I began to think and wonder why no one had ever prepared me for this part of life's journey. It seemed as though people had omitted this part of the tale whenever they explained how life passes by. I never remembered hearing about how a person could not decide what they wanted to do, or where they wanted to go.

As I sat pondering these befuddling thoughts in a coffee house with a venti soy chai in my hand, I decided that I would not become a person who failed and made nothing out of their lives because of their fear of failure or rejection. I would research what I loved to do, find jobs that utilized my hidden talents, and then blaze my own trail into the world of dreams that had only been whispered about during my childhood years.

Now you may be wondering why I am writing all of this on my blog, posted on the internet for all to see. The answer is simple. I think that I am not the only one out there who is currently unemployed with no idea where and what they want to do. Because of different Facebook posts and status updates I have seen, there are a lot of us in the exact same situation. I just want all of you out there who are having difficulties getting a job or deciding where to go next in life to know that you are not alone. Many of us are experiencing the exact same things, and we can get through it. There is an end to the tunnel we are currently in, and as long as you listen to your gut and make the decisions that your heart tells you to, the happy ending will be found.

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