Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty gives a different look into what we think we know

I have been trying to up my game on current movie knowledge ever since I saw the Golden Globes on Saturday. I thought that I had seen many of the notable movies like The Hobbit, Lincoln, and Skyfall, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Movies like Les Meserables and Django Unchained ran away with truck loads of awards, and while I may not be able to see every award winning movie every year, I will try to give as good advice about the noteworthy movies that I do see.

For that reason it might surprise you how short this particular entry and promotion is, but let that just be a testament to how perfectly produced this movie was. Zero Dark Thirty chronicles the ten year hunt for Osama Bin Laden after the 9/11 attacks America faced. Ending with the Navy S.E.A.L. Team 6 and the main character Maya, played exquisitely by Jessica Chastain, finding and killing Bin Laden, Zero Dark Thirty takes the audience through an emotional roller coaster from beginning to end. I cannot adequately express the emotions that I felt through the movie because, quite frankly, the words just won't come to me. What I can say is that I felt tears at one moment, patriotism the next, and then, ironically, shame at being an American. Because of this, what I must say is that if you are not ready for an intense movie that calls into question some of America's actions during the past decade, do not go see this movie. If on the other hand you are comfortable with events that occurred during the War on Terror, go see Zero Dark Thirty and be prepared for a whirl wind experience. The acting, directing, and producing is superb and will hopefully win many more awards.

On a connected tangent, I want to make it clear that I am very glad and supporting of our military and government. While I can find things to nit pick at and complain about, I would not have the ability to do what they do and make the decisions they make. Because of their decisions and strong wills, I live in a safer country. So thank you to all the military personnel and government heads for watching out for the little people and making sure that our day to day lives are as protected as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Good review, Kait. I couldn't have encapsulated the range of emotions felt throughout the movie better. You can always tell a good movie by the number of conversations you have about it afterwards, and the ZDT conversations we've had so far been endless.
