Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Museum Exhibits Cathcing Attention

Sometimes the most exciting things can be found not at a concert building or movie theater, but at a local museum. History, science, and art allows for people to experience an attraction hands on and encounter past events first hand. Two exhibits offer these exact aspects for everyone in the Fort Worth area. At the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, an exhibit showcasing artifacts from the RMS Titanic is on display for the public to experience.  The tour gives spectators a personal experience and connection to the tragically sunk ship memorialized as its 100th Anniversary dawns this year. Additionally, at the Kimball Art Museum, a Bernini exhibit is being showcased. Bernini: Sculpting in Clay presents many of Bernini's most famous clay sculptures. These two exhibits provide an excellent opportunity to plan an educational outing for the whole family.

The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History offers everyone the chance to get a ticket on the infamous cruise liner RMS Titanic. As you enter the exhibit in Fort Worth, each person is given a Boarding Pass with the details of an actual passenger of the Titanic. For example, the identity I given to personify was that of Lady Duff Gordon, a forty-nine year old first class passenger. Lady Duff Gordon boarded with her husband, Sir Cosmo Edmund Duff, and her personal secretary. Lady Duff was a pioneer in fashion in the 1900s, and was the first to introduce slits in skirts for women. Other information included on the Boarding Pass includes the passenger's cabin, reason for traveling, and intended final destination. After receiving your boarding pass, exhibit guests are ushered into the world of the Titanic, from construction to wreckage discovery.

Each section of the exhibit focuses on a different aspect of the ship's grand history. At the beginning viewers are shown how the mammoth ship was first conceived, engineered, and constructed. Artifacts recovered from the Titanic's final resting place are on view throughout the exhibit. Further on in the exploration of the Titanic story, guests are shown the accommodations for each class. In the third class section, guests are also made privy to the constant engine sounds that would have been heard by the passengers. The most interesting section of the exhibit would be the section dedicated to the sinking of the ship. In this part quotations from actual crew and passenger members are displayed to demonstrate how different people separated by economic class experienced the tragic event. Additionally, a large piece of ice is on display so that all viewers can experience the conditions of the passengers forced overboard. It is a very humbling experience. At the end of the exhibition, a list of all the passengers is on display so that you can see if your passenger survived. This list also shows how differently the classes were treated with respect to rescue attempts. The Titanic exhibit is educational and touching at the same time and teaches everyone a lesson no matter his or her age.

At the same time, across the street at the Kimball Art Museum, the Bernini exhibit is displaying many of his most famous sculptures from across the world. This exhibit is spans across half of the museum exposing each step of Bernini's art to the viewers. Artwork pieces, such as the Fountain of the Four Rivers and the angels Bernini created for the Ponte San'Angelo, are displayed only in pictures since Rome could not be robbed of these divine pieces of art. However, preliminary drawings are shown displaying how Bernini designed these noteworthy creations. It is astonishing to see these pieces broken down into step-by-step fashion. Sculptures included in the exhibit are jaw dropping because fingerprints of the famed artist can be seen by the naked eye. It makes the art so tangible since most people have just learned about Bernini's creations from textbooks. I do have to say that I think this particular exhibit is for a more mature audience. Small children's attention spans are quickly burned through and the exhibit is quite long. I can say that most people high school age plus will enjoy this showcase immensely. Being able to see the history making artwork first hand is life changing and impacting for those who know of Bernini and the impression he left on the world.

Both the Bernini and Titanic exhibit will be in Fort Worth until the end of the month. The Titanic exhibit will end on March 24, 2013 whereas the Bernini exhibit will stay until April 14th. I highly encourage people to see both of these exhibits as soon as possible. Tickets can be purchased online at the museum websites. Prices are low, especially for museum members. Audio tours can also be purchased for a guided tour. So if you want a fun filled, educational weekend just plan for tours of your local museum and learn facts and details you never knew.

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