Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Agent Coulson in Everyone

Role Models. Everyone has them. Everyone needs them. Role models are the people we look up to and try to mimic in our everyday lives. Sometimes they are close friends. Sometimes they are famous people that we hope to be like in the future. However they are always present in our minds as we make choices and decisions.

Recently, a new role model has been presented to the world through The Avengers comic book and movie series. The person I refer to is not Iron Man/Tony Stark/Robert Downey Jr, no matter how smart and devilishly handsome he is. It's not Thor the God of Thunder/Chris Hemsworth or Captain America/Chris Evans. It's not even the Hulk/Mark Ruffalo, even with his genius IQ level and green alter ego. The person I am referring to, that should become a role model to people worldwide, is Agent Coulson. Jaw dropper I know, but stay with me. I know what you are thinking. Agent Coulson? Phil Coulson? Kaitlyn how can he be the role model from the Avengers when there are much cooler and attractive characters with extraordinary talents and powers present in the movie/comic series?

Well, for one, Coulson is the main human character present throughout the whole series. Coulson is the man who brings the Avengers together to fight the alien attack descending upon NYC. By confronting Tony Stark about his participation in the group and supporting Steve Rogers (Capt. America) after his long nap in the Arctic Coulson acts as one of the main facilitators of the super hero group. He physically helps bring the group together and believes in their abilities wholeheartedly. This is demonstrated through simple actions like the vintage trading cards of Captain America Coulson collects and the relationships he has with each character individually.

Additionally, Coulson also shows the bravery needed by each human when seemingly unbeatable obstacles present themselves in life. In The Avengers Coulson confronts Loki with simply a gun whose functions are unknown. Coulson stood up to the "indestructible" foe, Loki, with nothing more than the belief that The Avengers would be able to defeat anything that presented itself as a threat to the world. Coulson even told Loki that he would not win the war citing Loki's lack of conviction as his Achilles' heal. Coulson's infinite faith in the Avengers symbolizes the support that the real world fans show everyday. Gathering behind this group of heroes, people have found their rally point so that they can get through tough times and obstacles in life.

Lastly, in Coulson's death, the Avengers were able to find their inspiration to fight together as teams in order to safe guard the human population. After Coulson's body was found, the Avengers knew that they could not allow more innocent people to be harmed by the terrible forces that were approaching fast. I believe that Coulson knew that his death would be a uniting point for the Avengers because as he took his last breaths talking to Fury, Coulson says that the heroes will need something to avenge. This shows yet another element of humanity that is present in Coulson that all people need to possess. Coulson was able to sacrifice himself, his life, in order to achieve a greater good.

In the end, I believe every person should strive to be a little more like Agent Coulson, or as his friends know him, Phil. He was a person who was not self-involved. He always worked for the achievement of something more. Most people today only worry about themselves. How will this action make me look? What will people say or think about me? Phil Coulson, on the other hand, only cared about saving humanity and ensuring that the world would live on to see another, brighter day.

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