Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Presidential Debate 3: Final Round, Mano y Mano

And it comes to this. Setting- Lynn University Boca Raton, Florida. Competitors- President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. General Topic of Discussion- Foreign Policy. The stage was set and the nation was watching. The final fight began.

The night opened with a question about Libya. The candidates were posed with the basic question of what was done in response by the United States, how the situation could have been avoided, and whether or not the American public was misled by the information the government made available. Romney began the debate by stating that the Libyan incident demonstrates how the foreign policies and relationships of America have fallen apart and unraveled during Obama's term. Romney pointed out how an unchecked attack in Libya could spread throughout the Middle East to countries like Syria, Israel, and Iran yielding an internal collapse of the region. This would then pose an even greater threat to the United States and its citizens. Romney then stated that America couldn't fight its way out of the mess in the Middle East. Romney said that, if elected, he would support getting a group of countries from the Middle East together with the ultimate goal of getting them to reject the extremism of terrorism. He said that the US needs a comprehensive strategy like this in order to ensure that terrorism threats are done away with for all. At the same time, Romney said that the US must keep foreign aid and direct foreign investments in the Middle East in order to stimulate the economy and support the education and gender equality movements of the region. He said that progress is needed throughout the Middle East region in order to ensure that it does not regress after the United States pulls out.

Obama also answered the question of Libya saying that keeping Americans safe is one of the most important initiatives of the Executive Branch. Obama pointed out how during his administration the war in Iraq has ended while the transition of US troops out of Afghanistan has begun. Obama then defended his administration by saying that when they received the phone call reporting the situation in Libya; they first looked to the safety of Americans in Libya and the United States. Next, Obama said the investigation began looking into the events surrounding the attack of the four American diplomatic personnel. The final step of Obama's response to the attack is to go after the attackers in order to bring them to justice for the killings. Obama then attributed the liberation of Libya and replacement of the ruling Libyan despot to America's actions. In conclusion to his response, Obama outlined the desires of America within this region which include (1) making sure Middle Eastern countries support US counter terrorism efforts, (2) confirming Middle Eastern support for the US protection agreement of Israel, (3) protecting religious minorities and women in the region, (4) developing economic capabilities of the Middle East, and (5) turning attention to domestic American needs in order to set better examples worldwide.

The debate then continued onto the issue of Syria. The question that was posed was whether or not the candidates think the American actions in respect to this conflict should be reassessed. Obama began by listing how he supported different international organizations during his administration to give assistance, relief, and humanitarian aid to countries experiencing conflict, like Syria. Obama continued by saying that his administration has made sure to support and mobilize the opposition forces in Syria while coordinating with regional countries to provide aid. However, Obama does not support the idea of becoming entangled in the Syrian conflict militarily because of the possibility that weapons supplied in this region could end up in the hands of possible enemies and terrorists.

Romney responded in a similar manner saying that the US needs to see a replacement government created in Syria. Romney said organizing with regional countries could do this. However Romney believes that the US needs to send arms to Syria to defend them. However, Romney does not was America's military to become involved in Syria. Romney sees Syria as an opportunity because Syria is Iran's only ally, and if the US becomes involved in Syria, then we might be able to apply more pressure to Iran.

The third question focused on Egypt and what regrets the candidates might have about America's action, or rather inaction, when it comes to the conflict that happened within this country. Obama began this section by stating that he had no regrets about his decision with regards to Egypt. He said that America has to stand for democracy and freedom and that if he had done anything too rash, he would have been ignoring those American ideals. Now that things have changed in Egypt, however, Obama said that it must be made certain that the government protects the women and minorities. He also said that, as President, he would make sure that Egypt abides by the treaty the US has with Israel. It will also be seen to by Obama that Egypt cooperates with American counter terrorism efforts. Obama also noted that he would work to help Egypt develop their economy along with the US, making it uncorrupted and transparent, in order to prepare for and ensure and prosperous future.

Romney responded to the Egypt question by agreeing with what Obama said. Romney said that in order to bring peace to the Middle East, Egypt will need help from the United States and Romney is ready to give that help. Romney said that the US would need to rebuild its economy domestically at the same time, in order to be a strong example for Egypt. Romney also talked about how he would strengthen the US military in order to ensure protection for the US and Egypt as well. Romney ended his response to the Egypt question by saying that the US will need to stand by its principles outlined in documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Next, the candidates were asked about what they thought America's role in the world was and would be in the upcoming years. Here, Romney answered first stating that America has a responsibility to defend freedom and promote peace throughout the world. He continued his answered by describing the principles of America he mentioned in the previous answer. These principles include freedom of expression, human rights and dignity, free enterprise, and elections giving citizens the opportunity to vote for peace. From here, Romney cited America's job to end conflicts around the world and promote peace, strengthen economies and military's long term. Romney also promoted America's action of standing by allies like Poland and Israel.

Obama responded to the question of America's role and future by describing how, as President, he refocused on the terrorist threat in the Middle East, positioned America to rebuild the economy by beginning to bring manufacturing jobs back domestically, and supported the education network. He noted how as a nation we need to reduce out deficit, but concentrated on how America needs to become more competitive as a nation by changing education policies in order to make progress. Obama said he supports hiring more math and science teachers specifically because that is the best way to stimulate business and affect economic growth. Obama said that by doing these things in the education realm, America will be able to become more competitive on the international level.

The next question pertained specifically to Romney since it was about where the money for a bigger military was going to come from. This is something Romney had supported in previous debates and speeches. Romney started by saying that in order to increase the military, he would first cut 5% of discretionary funds without touching the military budget. After that, Romney said he would reduce spending by cutting things, like Obamacare and programs not needed by the public. Finally, Romney said that he would then turn over programs needed by the public to the states to control. Romney said that if this plan were enacted, the national budget would be balance in 8-10 years.

Obama answered this question by saying that the money Romney desires to give the military is not even wanted by the military. The $2 trillion Romney wants to give to the Army and Navy is not being asked for by the military at all. Instead, Obama believes that the capability of the military need to be examined before extra money is set-aside for them. Capabilities, as in cyberspace, need to be developed for the Army's needs before giving them more money for everyday resources. Obama believes this will reduce the deficit, especially as the military pulls out of places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama ended by promising that the budget for the US military would be maintained, not reduced as Romney suggested.

The next question posed was about where the red lines for Israel and Iran were in the candidate's eyes. Obama began this series of answers by saying that Israel will be guarded if they are attacked, no matter what. He then said that under his administration, the strongest cooperation in history has been agreed upon and maintained with Israel. From there, Obama said that Iran would never get a nuclear weapon as long as he is in power. He said that Iran has been made aware of two sanctions concerning their nuclear capabilities. Either (1) they can take the diplomatic route and end attempts at nuclear weapons, or (2) face a united world front with no options of retaliation taken off the table. However, the President said that sending in US forces would be the last option.

Romney's response echoed Obama's. Romney said that he would stand on Israel's side at all times and that a nuclear capable Iran was unacceptable. He then presented plan in which America would try to dissuade Iran with crippling economic sanctions, tighten the sanctions over time, present diplomatic isolation efforts, and use military action as a final resort.

The candidates were then asked about whether or not they would accept a deal from Iran. Obama quickly answered by saying that any reports of negotiations with Iran were false rumors. Then Obama said that the goal of the US with concern to Iran was to get Iran to give up its nuclear program and abide by current UN regulations. Then Obama said that the clock is ticking and that as each second passes the option of intervention becomes closer.

Romney answered by saying that Iran saw a weakness in America through Obama's administration with their "apology tour", when Obama supposedly went to different countries apologizing for mistakes made by America, and in the silence of the administration during conflicts and international disagreements, like Syria. It is for this reason that Romney says Iran is four years closer to a nuclear weapon. Romney then said that the President needs to show strength, and that if he were elected he would show the necessary vigilance to the world and the American public.

From there, the debate continued onto the issue of Afghanistan and if the Afghan citizens were ready for the US to pull out in 2014. Romney started this answer by ensuring the viewers that the 2014 pull out date was a promise. Romney thinks that the Afghan forces are trained and ready for the Americans to leave. Romney then kind of went off on a tangent, saying that Pakistan is a more important issue now. Romney thinks that the status of Pakistan as a nation will determine whether or not Afghanistan will be a successful nation after Americans leave. He thinks this because Pakistan has a greater number of nuclear weapons, and after the Americans leave, these nuclear weapons could be easily transferred into Afghanistan. Because of this, Romney believes it is not time to dissolve relations with Pakistan. The terrorist organizations that are within this country of the Middle East could spread their power into Afghanistan, taking it back to square one.

Obama, on the other hand, noted that the American forces have accomplished many of their original objectives. Afghan forces have been built up, the leadership has been overthrown, and now Obama thinks the US forces must leave and turn their attention back to the domestic status of the US. Obama also supports looking to the benefits given to veterans after they leave the forces, mainly concerning their health and living status. Obama referenced an organization called Joining Forces, which the First Lady works with that helps veterans return to the work force.

The final question of the evening concerned the rise of China and the future of the United States in respect to China. During this section of the debate the candidates were also suppose to explain what they thought the greatest threat to national security was at this time. Obama began by saying that he believed that the greatest threat to national security was currently terrorist networks because of the impact their actions can have worldwide. He continued by saying that China is an adversary but needs to continue to follow the rules concerning trade and economies of other countries.

Romney began by saying that the greatest threat to the US national security is a nuclear Iran. On the note of China, Romney explained that when China looks at the US, they see instability in the government and economy. For that reason, Romney also thinks that we need trade relations with China that work for the US. After this, Romney called China a "currency manipulator" who hacks our computers and steals our goods. After this remark, Romney was asked how he would respond to a trade war with China. Romney said that there is currently a trade imbalance with China since they counterfeit our products. Romney said he would not let this counterfeit continue.

Obama responded to the trade war question by pointing out how Romney invested in companies that ship jobs overseas to China. Obama then said that since he took office, US exports have doubled.

Closing the debate each candidate said final words to the viewers as voting places open for early voting. Obama closed by saying each voter has a choice. He wants to build on the strengths of America as a nation noting that America needs nation building here at home. Obama then said that he knew the US will bounce back because of the character of the Americans he has met.

Romney closed by ensuring listeners that he was optimistic about the future. Romney wants to see peace and make the world a safer place. He also desires to get the economy stimulated by balancing the budget and making more jobs available to all Americans. Romney also told viewers that he would work across the aisle to make sure the Republicans and Democrats alike agree on the legislation passed. Lastly, Romney assured American that he would fix a broken Washington and yield a better nation if he were to be elected.

And now that you have read this, analyze the two options and make your decision. GO VOTE!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Part Deux: The Presidential Democalypse Debate Continues

Last night saw the governmental feud deepen as the Presidential candidates meet in a town outside of New York City to participate in their second debate. This debate differed from the first in that it was held in a "town hall" kind of fashion with a group of voters asking the candidates questions ranging in topic from rectifying gender inequality in the work place to reducing tax rates for the American public. I will outline what each candidate had to say question by question.

The first question came from a 20-year-old college student who is planning on graduating in 2014. He asked the candidates how they plan to address the current economic status of the United States in order to ensure collegiate graduates employment opportunities after they graduate. Romney answered this question first, saying that if he were elected in November, it would be one of his top goals to lower tuition rates for college education nationwide. He continued saying that if he were elected, and his economic plan was enacted, then job creation would be spurred by the stimulated economy. Romney has a good record on education development having stimulated and rebuilding the education levels of Massachusetts, the state he was governor of from 2003-2007.

Obama responded to this question next by saying that creating good paying jobs domestically was one of his top desires as well. He then outlined his five step plan to overcome this obstacle saying that 1) he plans to build manufacturing jobs within the US, 2) supporting the stimulation of the education levels available nationwide in order to give America one of the best education systems worldwide, 3) promoting America becoming energy independent, 4) reducing the national deficit by asking the wealthy citizens to pay more in taxes, and 5) using the money previously set aside for the war efforts for domestic development and repair efforts. Through these five steps Obama believes that the country will be pulled from our current economic slide, creating more jobs for the American citizen.

The second question that was asked pertained to growing gas prices. Another audience member came forward and asked whether or not it was the job of the Energy Department to lower or raise gas prices. Obama answered first by reiterating how the US needs to work towards controlling our own energy. He cited that within the last twenty years, the US has increased oil and natural gas production to the highest level recorded. Obama also cited the need for increasing clean energy production and research. Obama promoted clean energy efforts as an overall solution. Through this relatively new market of wind a solar energy, more jobs might be created in order to fight the unemployment rate.

Romney debated whether or not the President supported policies concerning acquiring energy. Romney accused Obama of cutting the number of licenses and permits for energy companies in half during his past four years. Romney said that if he were President, North America would be energy independent in eight years. Romney also supports more drilling and building a pipeline from Canada in order to increase the amount of gas production.

Next, the discussion changed topics to whether or not the reduction of tax rates for all brackets of society was possible with the promised elimination of deductions. The candidates were also asked to explain their position on the eliminations that are important to Middle class citizens, like education deductions. Romney began answering this question by saying that he would guarantee a decrease of tax rates for all citizens based on three principles: 1) lowering tax rates, 2) simplifying tax codes, and 3) getting Middle income tax payers lower taxes because they have been buried by tax expenses for the past four years. Romney then promised that he would limit deductions for people in the top 5% while allowing the Middle class to not pay taxes on interest, dividends, or capital gains. Romney also said that under his plan there would be no tax on savings for the Middle class. This would be the best plan according to Romney because with Obama's spending and borrowing will cause a greater debt and a mandatory tax increase for all.

Obama then responded by stating that his true desire is to give the Middle and Lower classes some tax relief. He explained how he planned to do this by saying that first, citizens making $250,000 in income or less would experience no change in their tax burden. This would mean that 98% of America would see no tax increase at all. However, for the people receiving $250,000 or greater for their income would go back to the tax rates from the Clinton era, the last time America had a surplus in the budget. Through this plan Obama asserted that our economic recession would be corrected.

Next the candidates were asked how they would rectify the gender inequalities still present in the modern workplace. An example of this is how women make 72% of what their male counterparts earn. Obama answered this question first by citing his support of the Lilly Ledbetter bill. This federal statute was the first piece of legislation signed by Obama after he was appointed into office. This piece of legislation, better known as the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with regards to equal pay for women and the discrimination that goes on behind the scenes as their paychecks are determined. Obama cited his support of this bill as evidence for his stance supporting equal rights of women nationwide. Obama also noted how his administration had expanded Pell grants nationwide in order to finance students' college education. He said that in order to stop discrimination, discrimination must stop being tolerated.

Romney replied to the same question by pointing out how while he was governor of Massachusetts, more women were employed in his cabinets than in any other state. He said that he made a conscious effort in order to ensure that women were well represented in the capital government. Then Romney reiterated that if he were elected, his economic plan would provide more jobs for the female gender by strengthening the economy as a whole.

Romney was then asked a question about how he differed from Former President George W Bush. Romney responded readily to this question citing how they are different people at different times. Romney highlighted how, if he were President, trade with China would be cracked down upon while expanding trade in Latin America. He went further saying that, unlike Bush, Romney would make it one of his supreme efforts to balance the budget and champion small businesses. Romney said that Bush was more concerned with large businesses and that, unlike Bush, Romney would try to make sure that the individual citizens opening small businesses won in the economy.

Obama then interjected that Romney's economic plan centers on tax cuts that are similar to the Bush tax cuts, the reason America is in its current economic crash. Obama also pointed out how Romney is more extreme socially, not supporting organizations like Planned Parenthood and PBS.

The next question was more point blank. A middle aged man asked each of the candidates to explain why he should vote for them since determining the candidate's character has become difficult during this election has only pointed out the bad characteristics of each of the candidates. Obama answered first by outlining all of the accomplishments he has made during the past four years. From ending the war in Iraq (though we still have troops there) to proposing a new healthcare plan and killing Osama bin Laden, Obama listed many different events which sound like a definition of pandering.

Romney next answered by stating that if Obama is elected, he will just give you a repeat of the last four years, not following through on any of his promises. Romney then said that Obama has crushed the Middle Class, and that Obama may be a great speaker, but that his record does not follow suit.

The next question dealt with the issue of immigration. A young woman asked what each of the candidates would do with current immigrants living in the United States with green cards. Romney began by saying he wants our legal system to work better and become more streamlined. He thinks that we should give visas to people who graduate with skills that are needed in the United States. He basically thinks that we should just staple the green cards to the immigrant's diplomas. However, Romney said that he would not grant amnesty to current illegal immigrants. He believes that illegal immigration can be stopped if put into place an employment verification service for immigrants. However, Romney also believes "self-deportation" is an option. In his words, self-deportation does not mean that the US government will round up illegal immigrants, but rather that the US government will allow the immigrants to make the decision for themselves. For instance, if the immigrants are not able to finance their living situation or find work in the US easily, then through self-deportation they will be sent away in order to have better opportunities.

Obama, on the other hand, believes that since the United States is a nation of immigrants, the broken system needs to be fixed in a similar method as Romney, "streamlining the system to make it simpler." However, Obama wants to make it cheaper and easier on the people waiting for citizenship. Obama also believes that more boarder patrol is needed on the boarders of the US. He thinks that if the criminal immigrants are targeted and apprehended, then the children of legal immigrants will find a productive pathway to citizenship in America.

The issue of Libya was finally touched on when a middle aged man asked who denied the enhanced security for the ambassadors and Americans in Libya and why. Neither of the candidates, however, truly answered this question. Obama said that after the killings occurred he ordered procedures to be "beefed up" in every part of the region, began an investigation, and assured the public that the aggressors would be hunted down for the crimes committed. However, he did NOT say who denied the security in the first place. What Obama did do was admit that, in the end, he as the President is responsible for what takes place.

The next question was aimed at Obama as well. It was asked whether or not Secretary of State Hilary Clinton deserved to take all the blame and responsibility for the intelligence failures overseas. Obama answered firstly by saying that Clinton does an extraordinary job as Secretary of State, but still works, in a sense, for him meaning that Obama still takes all the responsibility. Think of him as the boss-like figure. It is still Obama's responsibility because he represents the nation as its current President and leader. Obama then said that his administration would never play politics and mislead the nation in an emotional situation like this one.

From there, the discussion changed to what the candidates would do to limit the availability of assault weapons, like the AK-47, to the public. Obama began answering this question by citing the 2nd Amendment, right to bear arms. He alluded then to the tragic events that took place in Aurora, Colorado. After this shooting took place at a movie theater, Obama said that the enforcement of current laws needs to be a priority so that guns can be kept out of criminal hands and from the mentally ill. Obama mentioned the importance of background checks and how the reintroduction of assault weapon bans would be just the first steps. Obama ended his answer by saying that taking a look into the other causes of violent crimes would be an excellent way to discover what causes people to make these destructive decisions. Intervention within the community would stop the events before they get out of control.

Romney then stated that he was not in favor of new legislation. He supports current gun laws and thinks Americans need to change the culture of violence by supporting the education system and encouraging parent intervention. Romney did; however, support assault weapon bans before the election, but had to abandon that support in order to get funding from the NRA, thus flip flopping on this issue.

The candidates then were asked how they planned to bring back outsourced jobs from overseas to the US and keep them here. Romney said that he had seen manufacturing jobs go to China due to the lower prices and that to get jobs back in the US the environment has to look attractive to the businesses. Romney also said that he would make sure that businesses obey the rules in trade agreements or will put tariffs into play. Romney said that by getting a level playing field the US would be able to attract companies no matter the lower costs in other countries.

Obama also wants to lower corporate tax rates by destroying loopholes that allow companies to deduct expenses and profit when they move offshore. He also said that doubling exports through trade deals would be essential for relations with foreign countries. Obama also corrected Romney saying that the Chinese currency has actually increased by 11% since 2008 because of the pressure that the Obama administration has applied. Obama did admit, however, that some companies may not come back because they may desires lower skill level for lower pay but that Obama will get high skilled, high wage jobs for the American public.

The final question posed in the second debate was what the candidates' thought was the biggest misperception made about them as a man and a candidate. Romney said that he cared about 100% of the American people. Romney also pointed out that his religious beliefs defined him as a man. Then Romney closed by saying that he was able to make Massachusetts one of the best states in the nation and that the American public should not have to settle for the way things currently are.

Obama closed by saying that he believes in the free enterprise system, individual initiative, and every person getting a fair shot at achievements in life. During his closing Obama also brought up Romney's 47% comment, saying that those 47% are the people that Obama wants to fight for and help because they are the ones who deserve it.

The candidates continue this little game of politics. The final debate is on October 22, 2012. Tune in and see who wins and my blog update will be up the next day.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

And the Sidekicks take a stab at the Debate

As many of you know, on Thursday the Vice Presidential candidates had the opportunity to strut their stuff at the debate in Kentucky. The candidates debated nine different issues throughout the heated 90 minute discussion.

The debate started with a current hot issue, the conflict in Libya. They opened debating rumored intelligence failures in the United States and how it affected the security of the ambassadors in Libya. Biden began this section of the debate by saying that the people behind these attacks will be apprehended and brought to justice. He then continued saying that the US government will correct the lapses made with intelligence gathering. Biden then said that since the President's most important job is protecting the nation and its people making the modification of errors made by the government  the administration's utmost concern. Biden then assured the people that Obama has lead with a steady hand and with a clear vision and will continue to work hard internationally if reelected.

Ryan echoed Biden saying that the Romney team mourns the loss that has resulted in Libya. However, Ryan argued that the Obama administration addressed the Libya conflict too late, waiting two weeks after it happened before addressing the outraged public. Ryan promoted having Marine security guard ambassadors in volatile countries where terrorist threats are evident. Ryan then stated that he believed the conflicts present in the Gaza Strip and Libya symbolize Obama's foreign policy failures and relations crumbling. Ryan said that the United States needs to stand up for the values of America and not allow foreign nations to infringe upon the rights of their citizens. He used this logic to assure the audience that Romney was opposed to cutting the defense budget if he were to take office.

Ryan was then asked if he thought Americans should apologize for offensive acts, like burning the Koran in Afghanistan. This question was born out of the fact that Romney wrote a book called No Apology: The Case for American Greatness, in which he writes that the US Army should be expanded to 100,000 Army soldiers and Marines with updated Nuclear weapons and defense systems. With this knowledge, Ryan said that we should apologize for the poor behavior of some of the soldiers in the Middle East who acted offensively, but that we should not apologize for the American values that we live by and uphold.

The debate then continued on to the issue of Iran. Both Ryan and Biden said that they will prevent Iran from becoming owner of nuclear weapons no matter what, but the debate focused on the "how" they would ensure this promise. Ryan said the he and Romney had been fighting for sanctions to use military force in Iran since 2007, for Ryan, and 2009, for Romney. The administration however, according to Ryan, has opposed them every step of the way. Because of this Ryan says that Iran is now 4 years closer to owning a nuclear weapon. It was also pointed out by Ryan, that Congress was able to overrule the administration, thanks to bipartisan efforts, to get needed sanctions. Ryan then asserted that the only way to a peaceful end is if the leaders of Iran change their minds but that this will not occur because the current administration lacks credibility on the issue. Ryan said that Romney would bring credibility to the issue in order to ensure that this conflict will end peacefully. However, Ryan looked a little foolish when asked if he had a plan that would end the Iran conflict by the spring because he said that timelines are debatable and that in reality it would probably take longer for Iran to amass weapons. In defense, Ryan said that a possible arms race in the Middle East would be worse than war because an arms race would spread weapons throughout the region filled with terrorist organizations.

Biden, on the other hand, says that sanctions are crippling for world relations. He assured the viewing public that the US intelligence agencies have evidence that Iran is still a long way away from nuclear capabilities. Biden then reinforced his statements by saying that the world is united against Iran no matter what. However, Biden reiterated that war is always the last option for the Obama administration.

From the Iran issue the debate continued to the economy and job creation. The unemployment rate just fell below 8% for the first time in 43 months. Because of this news, the question posed to the VP candidates was if they thought it was possible to get unemployment to under 6% and how long it would take them to do so. Biden began this section by admitting that he did not know how long it would take to get unemployment under 6%. Biden did assure the viewing public that he and Obama would try to decrease the tax burden of the Middle class. During this section of the debate, Biden focused mostly on how both Romney and Ryan had made comments about the American public not taking responsibility for their lives. Romney said that 47% of Americans did not while Ryan said that 30% of Americans are takers. Because of these comments, Biden said that both Romney and Ryan need to take responsibility for their actions themselves.

Ryan pointed out how the United States was going in the wrong direction economically right now and that if we continue this trend, we will limp into a larger recession. After saying this, Ryan referenced Romney's five point economic rescue plan. With this plan, the United States will (1) become energy independent, (2) open trade in Latin American and China, (3) make sure people have good skills and better ranked schools, (4) get a balanced budget, and (5) champion small businesses to create jobs to correct the economy. The ultimate goal of this plan is to drop unemployment below 6% and get the economy growing creating new jobs.

The debate then took a turn to Medicare and Social Security. The question posed was whether or not both of these programs would be changed in order to survive. Ryan said that both of these programs would need to be reformed for the younger generations (54 years and younger). Ryan said that, if elected, Romney will keep the disassociation of these programs from happening by giving younger people a guaranteed coverage option when they become eligible. This option will subsidize premiums for the supported peoples. This would ensure that the lower class of Americans would be guaranteed total coverage. This plan also gives the insurance choice to the citizen instead of the state, as Obamacare would do. 

Biden supported Obamacare, saying that it stopped the overpayment of insurance companies. He also pointed out that Obamacare was supported by known retirement organizations, like the AARP. Biden said that Obamacare would extend the life of Medicare to 2024, giving seniors more benefits by not privatizing social security.

The next issue tackled was taxes. A simple question of who would pay more, or less, was asked. Biden upheld Obama's stance saying that Middle class will pay less, while people making $1 million or more will pay more. Biden also said that under Obama, Bush tax cuts for the wealthy would be allowed to expire, while the tax cuts for Middle class would be extended permanently. Biden then said that the Romney/Ryan promise of 20% tax cut promise could only work if privileges for the Middle class were cut, leaving the Middle class without programs like Medicare, social security, and other entitlement programs.

Ryan supported Romney's economic ideas, saying that the economy must be allowed to grow, creating more jobs. Ryan then asserted that there are not enough rich people and small businesses to tax in order to pay for Obama's spending. For this reason, Ryan said that tax reform was needed. Lower tax rates across the board were promised as well as closing loopholes for the higher class to make sure that the deficit is not raised. Ryan also promised that taxes on the Middle class would not be raised. However, when asked how the 20% tax cut was possible, Ryan was able to give no specific plans. He just said that bipartisan agreements and efforts would be needed based on the current framework had.

When asked if they would increase the defense budget, both candidates gave wildly different answers. Ryan said that neither he, nor Romney, would cut the military like Obama plans to do. He said that if the military is cut, then images of a weak America are invited. Biden said that Obama does not wish to cut the military, but rather that the military desires a smaller, leaner force which are more specialized in their training.

With the debate on the military topic, the debate focused on the issue of Afghanistan. Since we began our military effort, America has lost 2000 troops, reached recruiting goals for Afghanistan forces, and degraded Al-Qaeda. Because of this, the candidates were asked why American should not pull its forces out now. They were asked to explain what more could be done by America in Afghanistan. Ryan answered first by saying that we do not want to loose the gains we have gotten in the Middle East. America does not want the Taliban to come back into Afghanistan the second we leave and gain power. Ryan and Romney both, however, agree with the 2014 plan that Obama has right now for the removal of American forces. Its just that they do not want to see Afghanistan become a launching point for more terrorism after America pulls out. Ryan said that Obama's foreign policy is unraveling as issues continue to remain unsolved in the Middle East. Ryan thinks that the timeline idea is unwise for America because it lessens foreign countries confidence in the US allowing terrorists to plan to revisit the occupied countries the moment American forces are gone.

Biden, however, pointed out how America completed what they wanted to in the Middle East. He said that Americans who were killed have been avenged, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein have been overthrown, and Afghan forces have been trained and stationed. Because of this, Biden says that the US will pull out in 2014, "Period." Biden said that once we pull out $800 billion will be saved from our budget. He said that it is now Afghanistan's turn to lead and maintain their nation and government. He said that the only way the Middle East (Afghanistan and Iraq) will step up is if we give them a timeline and leaving date, otherwise they will continue to let the US do the work.

From here, the debate moved onto the issue of the civil war in Syria. Since the beginning of this conflict, an estimate 25,000-30,000 people have been killed. It was asked why the same logic used with respect to Libya does not apply to Syria. Biden spoke first, saying that because it is a different country, in a different region, no troops could be sent because it was not in the national interest. The impacts of possible regional war were too great. However, Biden assured the American public that the US government is working with the Turks and other countries of that region to ensure that when Assad leaves, there will be a new, stable government to take its place. America has also been sending over humanitarian and medical aid to the free forces within Syria. They will also ensure that Al-Qaeda will not take over. Biden did say that no troops will be sent to Syria because the last thing America needs is another conflict involvement in the Middle East.

Ryan says that Romney and him are not proposing send troops to Syria, they just would not have "outsourced" their decision to the United Nations. Ryan said that when Obama outsourced foreign policy decisions to the UN, he gave Putin veto power over the actions of the United States and that Romney would not have done that. When asked what he and Romney would do if Assad did not fall, Ryan said that they agree with Obama about trying to contain WMD spread in the Middle East and would send troops, if necessary, to do this. However, Ryan reiterated that he would have changed Obama's initial reaction, responding sooner that Obama had to the Syrian news. He said that intervention has to be in the interest of strategic national security for the US, with concern to our troops.

Ryan and Biden were then asked what role their Catholic views play with concern to the issue of abortion. Ryan began by saying that his faith informs him on everything in life. He then said that the reason he is Pro-Life is because of science and reason, not simply his faith. He believes that life begins at conception, and that the policy of Romney will be opposed to abortion with exception in the case of rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

Biden began by saying that his religion defines who he is as a person. He said it impacts his social doctrine, taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves. Biden said he accepts the Church's position on abortion as an element of his personal life, but refuses to impose it on others who may have different views and religious beliefs. Biden thinks that abortion is a decision of a woman that should be made between her and her doctor.

Then the VP candidates were asked some more personal questions. The first was whether or not the candidates were embarrassed by the tone of this election, tearing down your opponent whether than building up the country. Biden admitted that there are things that happen in every election he's been a part of that he regrets. But he said that the conviction of the candidate must be looked at in order to make an informed decision.

Ryan, on the other hand, seemed to answer the question by tearing down him opponent. He said that the President has offered "hope and change", but has merely turned the debate into an attack on Romney. Ryan then said that if you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone to run from. Ryan's statement almost seemed to validate the question.

In the end, I still do not see a clear winner. There are still two more Presidential debates to come before voting begins. The only winner I can see right now is Ryan best smile. High five Ryan! It may not win you the election, but it will definitely win over a few girl's hearts.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Perks of Being a Wallflower reveals the reality of the high school experience

Sometimes I wonder what makes a movie a movie. Is it the cast? Or is it the plot line? Is the director's idea for the movie expressed accurately through the acting and special effects? Does the music used throughout the movie communicate the correct feelings to the audience? Or is a movie a combination of all these elements? Well, I believe I have the answer.

After seeing The Perks of Being a Wallflower yesterday, I realized that a movie is what it is due to how it is perceived by the audience. The cast determines how well the script and the plot is portrayed to the audience. The director's image and idea for the movie determines the emotions and how the content of the movie is presented for the viewers. The music communicates the feelings of the characters to the audience allowing them to be drawn deeper into the movie by feeling what the characters feel. All of this was done to almost perfection in Perks of Being a Wallflower as they portrayed the unseen challenges present in high school life for more kids than I think most people realize.

Everyone has memories of that first day of school when you were terrified about how you were going to fit in or be treated because school seemed to define you as a person. Perks of the Being a Wallflower captures the emotions of this experience by following the main character, Charlie, through his first year of high school from first day to the end of the year. The characters embodied by the cast make the movie relatable to every person. You will be able to identify with the cast and their obstacles instantaneously. You will remember a person like Charlie, Sam, or Patrick connecting you to the plot emotionally. This is possible because of the amazing acting talent featured in Perks of Being a Wallflower. With Logan Lerman as Charlie, Emma Watson as Sam, Ezra Miller as Patrick, and Paul Rudd as Mr. Anderson the script is brought to life from book to screen with such ease that by the end of the movie, you will see yourself in the characters one way or another.

I think this is possible because the director, Stephen Chbosky, is also the author of the book that the movie is based on. The book is awesome, I have already written a review on it, because it touches the reader with the story and the emotions felt by the characters. Since Chbosky directed the movie, an accurate version of the story was portrayed in the movie. It disappoints me when a movie comes out that is based on a book, but does not resemble the book at all. The plot or characters are changed which then changes the whole tone of the movie/book. However, in Perks of Being a Wallflower, this does not occur. The plot is untarnished and the theme stays true from book to movie, a BIG plus for me.

I think the most important part of this movie is the message communicated through the plot, characters, and music. A "wallflower" is a person who sees things and understands them for what they truly are. This is something that I think the world today is lacking. People today go about and see/focus on the superficial surface details of everyday life, not looking any deeper to assess the real problems, or issues, that exist. In Perks though, it is reiterated how at the heart of the issue, there may be problems, but there is also beauty to behold. You just have to look. And as I sat alone in the theater at the end of the movie, I realized, then, how it felt to be infinite.

Friday, October 5, 2012

First Presidential Debate: What was said and what is truely important

Every four years America is encounters the arduous process of electing a president to office. What makes this process so difficult is trying to sift through the candidate's speeches in search of their true views on the issues. Most of what is said is usually words and phrases meant to appeal to the audience, but lack true meaning and promise. Well with this last debate, I viewed a muddy conversation that was filled with much finger pointing, but little true discussion about the issues. Because of this, I am going to try to outline and identify how the candidates stand on the important issues of this 2012 election. 

This first debate focused on the Domestic Issues of America. As the candidates walked into frame and greeted each other with a firm handshake and bright smiles, I knew that this debate was going to be filled with drama. On a side bar, I always want to know what the candidates say to each other during their greeting and departure at the beginning and end of the debates. Are they truly nice to each other, or is that when they talk smack to their competitor? It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall during that moment.

Anyways, back to the debate, President Obama and Romney started the debate by outlining how they would address job creation for America. With the economy emerging for one of the most troubling economic times in recent history, a large number of Americans (myself included) are having troubles finding a job and retaining it for an extended period of time. Obama addressed this issue first by saying that during his administration 5 million jobs have been created for American citizens. Obama continued by describing how he desires to invest in education and training classes available at community colleges. This would be accomplished through programs like his Race to the Top program that strive to improve skills of the student, resources for the students, and create teaching jobs. If he were to be able to do this, Obama believes that it would spur the economy by providing more qualified workers to be hired. Additionally, Obama said that he would support changing the tax code in order to help small businesses. He desires to lower the corporate tax rate to 25% for manufacturing companies while also closing loopholes for companies that send jobs overseas. Obama said he would provide tax breaks to companies that invested in domestic growth. He wishes to go back to the tax rates held during the Clinton administration, when America last had a surplus. 

Romney outlined how he would address job creation in a five-part plan. First, Romney said he would support and encourage the US becoming energy independent. Next, he would open trade in Latin America and China creating more outlets for business opportunities. Thirdly, Romney would make sure that people have good education skills and better ranking schools available nationwide to foster the economic growth. Then, Romney would get the US to a balanced budget. Lastly, Romney said he would champion small businesses to create more jobs for the everyday American. Romney agreed with Obama, and said that he desires to provide tax relief to the middle class. It was pointed out, however, that Romney's plan for compensating for tax cuts by closing loopholes and deductions is not realistic, and that it would actually add $2000 more to the middle class tax burden. 

The debate then continued on to the issue of federal debt. Romney began this section of the debate by saying that he thought of debt as a moral issue. It should not be the desire of a moral person to spend more money than they have available, and then pass the debt of their economic errors down to the younger generation. Romney outlined the common sense three step method to fix the federal debt: raise taxes, cut spending, and expand the economy. Romney said his test for reformatting the economy would be to ask himself whether or not a program in question was worth borrowing money from another country to finance. If it does not pass this question, then Romney would get rid of the program. He also said that he would take different programs, and if they can be run at the state level, would move them there. Thus, in Romney's eyes, he would make the US government more efficient by combining programs and cutting the number of employees. 

Obama explained his method of dealing with national debt by first saying that when he entered office, he inherited a huge debt from two wars being paid on a credit card, tax cuts, and programs unpaid for during an economic crisis. Obama then said that he restricted 77 programs, cutting $1 trillion from the budget, and put forth a $4 trillion deficit reduction plan. {I cannot guarantee that these statements are totally true. There has been a lack of fact checking during this election.}

The debate then turned to the issue of entitlements. Obama ensured people that the government knows the necessity of social security and Medicare for elderly people nationwide, and that these two benefits are strengthened by not overpaying insurance companies. Obama also said that the money set aside for social security and Medicare is used to decrease the medication costs and hospital fees. However, Obama did not address the fact that the probability of social security and Medicare being available for younger generations is extremely low.  

Romney, on the other hand, is not proposing any changes to the current social security or Medicare systems, but is offering an optional alternative for people to select if desired. Romney said that every time Obama decreases the amount of money given to insurance companies and hospitals, the number of people that can be treated decreases because of the lower funds available. Therefore, Romney and Ryan proposed a voucher program, called Premium Support, in which a voucher is given to a person so that they can get insurance no matter their health status. Through this program, however, there is the possibility that Medicare could in fact collapse, due to accumulated costs, putting seniors at the mercy of private insurance companies after all. The voucher program still keeps the option open for younger people if they have no other way of obtaining insurance. 

Then, the hot button issue of healthcare/Obamacare was hit upon. Romney began by making it clear that he supported the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. He proclaimed that Obamacare would in fact cost more money than traditional insurance costs putting more of a strain upon the American citizens. Romney also did not like how Obamacare puts in place an unelected board that tells people what kind of treatment they will be allowed. Romney also cited that 75% of small businesses said that under Obamacare, they are less likely to be able to offer their workers insurance. Romney believes that a healthcare plan needs to be crafted at the state level in order to suit the state's needs individually. He believes that if a healthcare plan is enacted at the state level, then the problems of the state will be able to be focused on while decreasing costs to the people. However, Romney was unable to describe how he will replace Obamacare if he is elected. He was unable to outline any details and instead said that is was "complicated".

Obama tried to explain the purpose of Obamacare more clearly. First, he said that if you currently have health insurance, the government would not take over. You can keep your own healthcare provider and doctor. Obamacare just tries to make sure that the insurance companies don't take advantage of you and offer rebates if the company spends more administrative time on your case than care for you. Secondly, if you do not have health insurance, a group plan is created through Obamacare that allows you to benefit from group rates 18% lower than the private market. Obama also clarified the issue of the healthcare board within Obamacare, stating that it is a group of healthcare experts who determine how costs can be decreased for the betterment of the public. Romney, however, did point out that if Obamacare is passed, up to 20 million people could loose their insurance provider, and 30% of Americans could be dropped from their coverage. {Fact check this. I do not know if these figures are correct.}

The debate moved on from here to the issue of the role of government. Obama gave the presidential response, saying that the government's job is to keep the American people safe. Obama said the government is also to create opportunity and gateways for its citizens, while fostering the education of every citizen. Romney echoed many of these sentiments, quoting parts of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. While protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, Romney said that he would ensure that the American military would be second to none. Romney also included the idea that the government should maintain its commitment to religious tolerance and freedom. 

Lastly, the candidates talked about the issue of partisan gridlock that the American government has been experiencing recently. Romney said that he would sit down with members from each party on his first day in office in order to discuss issues and challenges that need to be addressed. He said that throughout his term if elected, he would work on a collaborative basis as he has done as governor of Massachusetts. This, however, could be a more difficult task than Romney thinks. 

Obama assured the public that he takes ideas from anybody, no matter their party affiliation. He cited Obamacare, stating that it originally was an idea from a Republican, and grew through bipartisan efforts. Obama, however, asserted that sometimes a person has to say "No" and stand up for their beliefs when it comes to ideas they are passionate about. This shed some light on the difficulties that the US government has experienced in the past months between the President and Congress. 

With closing remarks from both candidates about how the spirit of the country inspires them daily, the candidates ended their first debate with unsure messages. At times, this debate reminded me of a fight between two teenage girls over a boy they both liked. Due to the bickering and incessant talking when they were told to stop, Obama and Romney left me more confused at the end of the debate than I was at the beginning. There are two more debates between the Presidential candidates and on between the VPs. I will cover all as non-bias as possible. I hope this helps y'all understand, and if you have any comments, just post them. Thanks and Gig Em.