Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Music Tells All

I have often heard that when things go bad, there is a deeper purpose or lesson to learn from the experience that you are forced to live through. It could be a religious revelation or intellectual knowledge, but it is not always obvious or even seen. I think most people spend their lives searching for this deeper purpose/lesson so that they can become wiser and learn from the screw ups experienced in life, but the ultimate realization remains elusive.
I think I have found one way to access this meaning and lesson life has for us all. It is a part of everyday life and follows people around in the background.


Each piece of music contains an emotional tone written in to communicate universal feelings. It may be happy, or it could be sad. A musical piece might also contain a sense of loss or despair, while another might be in celebration of a moment in time. I have also heard music with anger interwoven into the notes and phrases filling up the listener without them even knowing or understanding that they could feel that type of emotion.

The emotion and tone connected to a song determines how it is received and perceived by the audience. The tone of a piece of music is what gives it a tangible quality for a listener to connect to and relate to. Once a person hears this emotion and connects to it, music can accomplish what few other things in life can. Music will then allow the listener to express and acknowledge their emotions in a productive and truthful manner letting people grow wiser and more mature from the bad times in life.

I have been in different choirs over the past eleven years, and I know that in all that time, the most fun I ever had singing is when I am in the car all by myself with the stereo turned up all the way, singing off key, because in that moment I am not trying to impress anyone with my singing ability. I am just singing to feel the emotions of the song and the actual emotions that I am experiencing without anyone telling me to stop.

I write this to communicate that music is not the instrument of life because someone is a good singer or good musician, but because music allows people to throw away all their inhibitions and vocalize their true feelings that lie down in the essence of their soul. Music allows people to say what that they want and need to say without the fear of being judged. Because when you are in a car listening to your favorite song, no one is there to judge you. So here's to the music of your soul!

Next time you feel down or depressed or life has found a way to kick you in the butt, put on your favorite tunes and hopefully that will brighten up your day :)

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