Thursday, March 22, 2012


People that are associate with usually comprise and impact a person's character. This can either lead to either the betterment of one's self or hurtful memories that ultimately produce many lessons. I am aware of this because I have experienced both sides of the equation. The people that you can always fall back on is your family. I know that is what I have done in countless situations. Specifically, I have fallen back on my sister seeking help and guidance, which was provided. And she is an AWESOME sister for being there, no matter how many time zones away she may live :).

Sisters can help in a myriad of scenarios. Sisters are there for you when you need help with a friend or when you need help with an outfit. They can also be of help in competitive instances, being your biggest cheerleader. Sisters are always the shoulder you can always cry on because you can bear your insecurities and fears to you sister without fear of being judged or told you're not important. Sisters are the guiding forces in your life sometimes, telling you when to take hold of the opportunity presented to you and when you need to stop being so selfish or self absorbed. Sisters are there for you when no one else is.

Sisters may not always be present though. You may not have a biological sister, just a house full of brothers, or you may be an only child, but that doesn't mean that you don't have a sister. Sisters can be found anywhere you have friends. Sisters can be found in your dorm room or home room, your sports team, or your choir. I was in choir since I was in the sixth grade, and I know that the time I had the most sisters was when I was a part of the Women's Chorus in college. That chorus was made up of 50ish girls who all loved the exact same thing that I did, singing. In this group I was able to make close friends that I hope to have for the rest of my life. These are girls who I hung out with on the weekends, went on trips with, and will hold good memories with until our memory starts to go away. These girls became sisters of mine because of the friendship we held and still hold.

In the end, I have been able to get through life because of the sisters I have at home and at school. These are the girls who are there for me in the good and the bad times, and I am glad to have them.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written and well said. I'm truly touched and look up to you more than you know. You are an incredibly strong, amazing person that inspires me each and every day. Love you sister.
